Title: All Those Melodies Go On Too Long
Author: Beer Good (
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 005, Sweet
Characters/Pairing (if any): Sweet, Buffy
"Now, now, Slayer", Sweet chuckled, almost unperturbed by the swordtip at his throat. "Is that any way to greet a client?"
"'Client'? I'm sorry, wrong number. I don't work for demons who tried to kill me."
"Not even if there's a common threat? Enemy of my enemy and all that jazz?"
Buffy hesitated. "Alright. You have ten seconds to convince me - and NO singing."
"Oh, I think I can guarantee that." Sweet grabbed the remote.
After 20 minutes of American Idol tryouts, all differences were forgotten. Sweet was right; the R'Yan Seekhrest demon was evil and had to be stopped.