Prompt 004, Skip

Mar 11, 2007 00:25

Title: Special
Author: poisontearss
Word Count: 100
Prompt:004, Skip
Characters(Pairing, if Any) Cordelia, Skip
Rating: G

She isn't sure she trusts him. He's a demon, after all.

Trying to trick her?

Cordy wishes Angelw ould save her. Skip is talking to her, showing her some girl who had visions that blew out the back of her head.

But, if she gives them up...she won't be special.

She won't be able to help others.

Help Angel.

Being special is nice. Even if she doesn't get much credit.

It's who Cordelia has become.

A woman meant for more, Skip tells her. She wonders. She'd like to have that life--to be adored.

So, she agrees.

After all, Cordy will still be special.


001-010, skip, cordelia, ats, g, drabble

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