Prompt 022 Makeup

Aug 02, 2007 16:37

Title Woah!
Author Kelly
Rating PG
Word Count 968
Prompt 022: The Gatekeeper
Characters/Pairing (if any) Cordelia, Doyle, Keanu Reeves St. Peter
A/N: Not up for voting, like usual. Plus makeup fic.

“Exactly WHY do you look like Keanu Reeves?” Cordelia asked as she walked with the this St. Peter dude who was a dead ringer for Keanu. Point Break Keanu, not A Walk in the Clouds Keanu.

He was used to dealing with this sort of thing so his voice was calm and crystal clear, even if it was the actor’s. “I told you, Cordelia, this is heaven. It is different for every person.”

“So my idea of heaven is Los Angeles, only without the smog or the traffic? Why not Paris or Milan or I don’t know, some fantasy land with oily tunic clad gladiators to rub me down?”

“Think of Rodeo Drive.” He merely answered.

She huffed slightly and closed her eyes, imagining Rodeo. It had been so long since she was able to actually shop there, but she could remember it like it was yesterday. Walking with Harmony a few weeks before school started, trying to get the hottest looks that would blow the guys out of the water and make every girl green with envy. She opened her eyes and there it was.

“Woah…” said St. Peter as the buildings popped up all around them.

“Well, that really isn’t that big of a deal considering this is Heaven.”

“Yes, but go into any shop you desire.”

She shrugged her shoulders, doing as the angel instructed. She headed for the Chanel boutique because every woman needs the perfect little black dress. Especially if she was going to be slipping into some heavenly cocktail parties with the likes of old Hollywood.

Cordelia stopped when she saw the perfect dress. It was Heaven so it only made sense that it would be right there, waiting for her, in just her size. She looked to the girl behind the counter. Now that would be a suck job. Retail in Heaven, that must have been Hell for that girl.

“How much is this?” She asked, pointing to the dress.

“For you, Miss Chase, consider it a gift from CoCo herself.”

“You are kidding me. Is this some kind of test? Is Jesus going to pop up here and be like hahaha, gotcha?”

“No.” The salesgirl came from around the rack, taking the dress down and handing it to the other woman. “Would you like me to box this up while you do some other shopping?”

“He--I mean, heck yeah. Please.”

It was several hours before Cordelia was satisfied with her purchases. She didn’t feel one ounce of remorse for loading St. Keanu down with all her bags. He came along to show her the ropes, he could pitch in.

“I think I am done shopping. Now what?”

He juggled the packages, trying to keep them from falling. “Home?”

She nodded. Now she knew why there was no traffic, there was no need for cars. You thought of a place, you were there. She closed her eyes, imagining her apartment. The next thing she knew, they were there.

“Seriously, how cool is that? I can imagine vacations too, right? Go to Hawaii or St. Barts or something?”

“This is Heaven, Cordelia.” He said as he deposited her packages on her couch. “That is a yes.”

She waited for him to put the bags down before she thought of one final place she wanted to see in Heaven. She didn’t have to close her eyes to see it. She knew it by heart. She watched the apartment disappear; turning transparent and the Hyperion walls became less and less transparent as the apartment faded away.

She looked around, frowning at how empty it was. No surprise, who would show up to work in the afterlife?


She knew that voice. She’d heard it again on her last day on Earth. She turned, seeing him standing behind the front counter. “Doyle, oh my god. This is Heaven, can’t you pick out better clothes?”

He chuckled. “Sorry. Was wondering when you would get here. Others should be here shortly.”

“What, are you some sort of Heavenly timetably guy now?”

“Could say that. Could say I am an angel. Or a devil, depending on who you ask.” He gave old St. Peter a wink.

“I think it might be best if I leave you two to catch up. I have several others to attend to today.” Keanu said as he faded away.

Cordelia watched the angel go, kind of sad for him. He was nice to look at. She wondered if people still had sex in Heaven. Probably, it was paradise. Good shopping, good jewelry, good friends, good sex HAD to be part of the package.

“What did you mean, the others will be here shortly?”

Doyle moved to a television that had never been behind the front desk before. He reached over, turning it on and grabbing the remote. “Think Los Angeles is channel 37.” He muttered to himself as he switched through. “Ah, there we go.”

Cordelia looked at the screen before her. She watched the conversation in Angel’s office, the hands slowly rising up. “You have GOT to be kidding me. Suicide mission much, Angel? This is like some bad TV show.”

“That Fred girl, the one that talks funny, she is already here. She went out to talk to Newton and Einstein but she’ll be back, this is where she sleeps.”

“Oh, like you have room to say that someone else talks funny.” She rolled her eyes and then went back to the screen. “Well, if the whole gang is going to be up here soon, we better get to work. They deserve at least a party for dying while saving the world. Totally calls for ice cream cake.”

She held her arm out for Doyle. “Party store for supplies?”

“Party store for supplies.” He echoed as he took her arm.

doyle, 021-030, ficlet, cordelia, xlivvielockex, pg, ats

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