June Theme

May 29, 2007 10:29


As the whole "did he/didn't he" debate rages on in the fandom, Sarah and I thought it would be a great time for us to use dead characters as a prompt. (That sounds so wrong, doesn't it?)

The month of June is going to be all about bringing back those characters we loved from the dead, playing what if they never died, maybe killing them in a new and exciting way, or dealing with the aftermath of their death. Let's face it, for most characters, we didn't get to see a whole lot of mourning going on.

It doesn't have to be depressing. You could do a what if Tara had never died with her and Willow living long and beautiful lives with 10 cats and children from David Crosby. Or maybe you just really hated the way that Wesley died and thought he should have gone out taken down by an army of demonic bookworms and bookbugs. Or maybe Wash's funeral just wasn't enough and you think Zoe should have done something more dramatic. That is what this month is all about.

So who do you guys want to see featured this month? It doesn't have to be a major character. Maybe you really loved a particular demon or big bad, suggest it! Just remember the format.

Please post with the following format: Verse: Character Name

So for instance:

Buffyverse: Larry
Angelverse: Merl
Fireflyverse: Nandi
Serenityverse: Wash
Buffy Movieverse: Merrick
Buffy Comicverse: Etc
Angel Comicverse: Etc
Firefly Comicverse: Etc
Buffy Bookverse: Etc
Angel Bookverse: Etc
Firefly/Serenity Bookverse: Etc

Reply with as many as you like. And if someone has already said the person you were going to suggest, suggest it again. The more interest, the better.

Don't forget, to please VOTE for the answers to Prompt 014 (about 13 hours left) and ENTER for Prompt 015.

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