Prompt 002: In Her Shoes

Feb 24, 2007 10:56

Title: In Her Shoes
Word Count:100
Prompt:before (002)
Pairing (if any): Buffy, Cordy
Note: First line is a chunk from Cordy's May Queen speech in Out of Mind, Out of Sight.

“Ask not what your school can do for you, ask: ‘Hey! What am I wearing to the Spring Fling?’”

Okay, so Cordelia’s speech wasn’t exactly The Gettysburg Address, but as she watched, she realized that this was of those rare moments where Cordelia actually seemed to care about something.

Buffy had never been much for school spirit, or Sunnydale spirit, at least, but during moments like these she couldn't help but think about how she used to be Cordelia; that girl that everyone wanted to be.

She feels a pang of jealousy, but remembers one thing.

She had better shoes.

001-010, cordelia, smurfyfredels, g, drabble, buffy, btvs

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