They have been parked on Kaylee's home planet a week now. One week. Crew been here and there, but Mal has stayed on ship. No job hunting. Which is making his feet itch. Not to mention the fact that K is still out there. That fact alone is burning a hole in the Captain's mind. Expecially now that the Doc's and Kaylee's wedding is so close. He won't
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He nods at Mal and takes a seat at the table and waits for everyone else to arrive.
Inara smiled weakly, "River? Sweet settle?Please?"
Steel watched the scene scowling slightly "This is the team that's avoided capture so long?" He then giggled.
Jayne pulled River down on to his lap "Baby leave the bug alone"
Then she's sobbing quietly against Jayne's shoulder.
The pain in his side forgotten as the captain in him kicked in.
One hand on his side, the other pointing to Derek. "Derek, take Sadie t'th'infirmary. If nothin' else she needs silence."
He looks over at River in Jayne's arms and gives a little sigh. "Ya tried, lit'one. Tryin' is what matters."
A wince. Yep, pain is back....and he might be bleeding a bit...maybe..
He turns to Zoe, "Zoe? If I pass out you make th'plan, dong ma?"
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