The Used album listen/meeting 5/8/07

May 10, 2007 04:55

Blargh.  Nothing like a 5+ hour drive to drain the life out of you.  Anyway, the part about the album starts out bold and underlined.  Warning, that part gets a bit fangirlish, but I can't help that. nice about the pictures, it was a hellishly long day, lol--this being the END of it.

So Denise got here about 10:15-10:30ish on Tuesday morning.  We were trying to make it to Detroit by 4:00, 5-ish hour drive, shouldn't have been a problem.  We ran to Best Buy so I could buy Berth to get it signed (because I'm a bad fan and hadn't gotten around to buying it yet, lol).  I figured what the hell, it was the newest thing released.  I also picked up Mika's album because I've been listening to it for months but had downloaded that as well--BUT, in my defense, I downloaded it way before it was even available here.  So that's at least a little better.  I was trying to decide if it was worth it to me for the $13 or so, but then I saw that it had two ~super special bonus tracks, and yes indeed it really was worth it to me, lmfao.  It took us a few seconds to actually FIND the checkout, lol.  Apparently I'm retarded, never go to Best Buy, and it's set up differently from every other Best Buy I've ever been in.  Whatever.  The chick at the counter totally took advantage of my sleep-addeled state to con me into a magazine subscription, lmao.  She was all  "ok, so with your purchase today you get 8 free no obligation weeks to any of these magazines.  So which one do you want?"  And I'm like "....Entertainment Weekly?"  The rest of the options were beyond lame and I had no idea wtf was going on, lmao.  I walked out like "wtf dude, SHE TOTALLY JUST CONNED ME INTO A FUCKING MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION, DIDN'T SHE?!"  I was not amused, lmao.

So we leave and decide to hit both Starbucks AND DQ, lmfao.  I know, right?  But as we got fucked out of both on the trip last week, we felt entitled.  Armed with my White Chocolate Mocha and an Oreo blizzard, we were ready to go.

Except not really because Mapquest failed us once again.  Before we even left town, lmfao.  And because I fail pretty damn hard, I wasn't 100% sure where to go (it's not a part of town that I frequent).  Where I thought we were supposed to be turning had a different name, and it was a big wtf moment.  I called my sister's boyfriend and he was like "you're fine, it's just that it's ____ when turning left and ____ when turning right."  Right, because THAT makes sense, especially since it wasn't labeled the other way.  Whatever.  Now see, this should have told us right there that it wasn't going to be an easy trip, lmfao.

But we weren't going to think like that!  This trip was going to be amazing, it was going to totally make up for last week, all that jazz.  We ended up on this long ass roundabout detour, but still no worries.  I cracked open my Mika CD (because there's seriously no happier music on the planet) and was delighted to see that the CD was HAPPY TO SEE ME!  Oh, I wish I'd taken a picture of it because it's amazing.  It's all bright and rainbows and pop-out and flashy, lmao.  And the insert was amazing too.  Oh man, lmao.  So we blasted that and NSYNC the whole way there, lmfao.  Guilty pleasure feel-good music FTW!

All was well until we got up to where we were supposed to be.  Naturally.  Mapquest told us to turn right on Franklin, but Franklin only went left.  I started to freak out a bit.  Because PANIC is apparently my default mode.  It was only 3:50-ish, though, so Denise was like "it's ok, we'll be fine!"  So we ended up going right anyway, then that way dead-ended into a university parking lot of some sort.  Michigan is fucked up, Y/Y?  We tried going the other way, dead-ending us somewhere else.  We talked to Kristina, tried texting Brooke (who was already in line), KTB, Katie, literally everyone.  Kristina started trying to help us, then gave up from where she was and just pulled off the f-ing road.  None of us had a road map, Mapquest had fucking FAILED, and Kristina wasn't familiar with the area.  We were freaking out because it was now about 5:00, the thing was starting at 6:00, we were like 20 minutes from Kristina and she was like 30 minutes from the mall that we were headed to.  Freaking out.  FREAKING THE FUCK OUT because we had driven all that way for a fucking album listen and I was like WTF NO, I DO NOT WANT TO MISS IT!  It was all very upsetting, lmao.

I don't know how the fuck we managed it, but Kristina managed to guide us to her.  We were pulling into the parking lot of the mall she was parked in, and I could have sworn she saw us.  She was on the phone, my phone rings, and we had the most awesome telephone conversation ever.

Her:  Hey!
Me:  HAI!
Her:  Where are you guys?!

LMAO, it was really really funny because she seriously had no idea.  So we were all excited to see each other and that was fun.  Then we started on our way, hoping it wouldn't take too long because it was now 5:54.  Freaking out.  Freaking out, I tell you.

Apparently Kristina fails at judging time because we seriously get there at 6:07.  That's right kids, we rule.  I don't know if the sheer saddness, rage, and upsettedness we were feeling is coming through on this, but it was pretty bad.  Stress was high, nothing was going right, just...rage and saddness, lmao.  BUT NOW WE WERE THERE YAY.

And the line was still trailing outside!  Thank fucking God because that means A) it hadn't started yet, and B) we didn't have to wait because we were on the list or whatever.  Yay.  We walked on in and saw everybody.  Brooke waved the ~magical comfort brownies in our faces and all was once again right with the world.  All 3 of us had to pee desperately and nothing was happening, so we headed in that direction.  We weren't really stressing about time, because nothing at all was happening.  As we were walking back, I was like "hey, wouldn't it be really funny if while we were gone they started the thing and started letting everybody in?"  Which was haha funny until we got a little closer, realized Pretty Handsome Awkward was playing (the SECOND song on the disc), and we rounded the corner to see that half or more of the line had gone inside already.  Yeah, me FTL.

We weren't really worried, though, because we were on the ~list.  The deal was that the signing etc was supposed to be the people on the list and however many other people (contest winners, first to show up, I'm not sure) that they had decided on.  So ok, we're fine.  Except that when Kristina inquired about the list, the guys told us that they'd basically thrown it out.  THEY WERE GOING TO SIGN FOR EVERYBODY THAT SHOWED UP.  Ok, let me take a moment to awwww and squee.  I mean seriously.  They'd come in from another signing in like fucking Arizona or something the night before, gotten there probably earlier in the day, and were fucking exhausted.  And were only obligated to stay there from 6-8, yet they were like fuck it, we'll sign for everybody.  I love those boys, lol.

So anyway, we just sort of got in line and started waiting.  It was really really sad, though, because we were separated from everybody else, not to mention the fact that we were absurdly far away from the comfort brownies.  I drove 5 hours to hear this album and eat those brownies, lmfao.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of the album--I don't know what the hell I was expecting, and now that I think about it, it couldn't have been anything else, but it was like broadcasting over the speakers of the store.  And there were many many MANY excited people chattering and buzzing and dfklghad;lsfhdsfl COULD NOT HEAR ALBUM.  Maybe I'm just weird (ok, I obviously am for doing this for a fucking album listen, but whatever) but I was there to hear the album.  You know, which isn't coming out for another 2 weeks and you're getting to hear it, but whatever.  I mean...I get that they're excited and stuff, but come now.  LMAO, am I really the only one?!  But anyway, I couldn't hear as well as I would have liked, which really I guess wouldn't have happened until I had it in my possession and was blasting it from my stuff, lol.  It got much better later, though, so whatever.  And what I could hear was fld;ahgfdslgha;lghadkfd;fjh *flail*  I mean like, I don't even know what to say other than it's amazing.  GAH.  I don't even know where the hell they came up with some of that shit.  Um...that Hospital song is so much fucking better than that shitty recording lets on, lmao.  I almost didn't even recognize it, haha.  And oh, The Ripper is dh;faldshf;dslfgh oh my god.  That's the ONE that I could hear amazingly well (explained later) and just oh.  oh.  gha;dsghdsf;gh  I don't have any idea what it's called, but there was a song that was really slow and sort of haunting frmm what I can remember and it was so beautiful, omg.  And there was one that had this sort of synthetic polka vibe intro (I know, lol) and just...I don't even know what to say, lmao.  I can't wait to actually get the damn thing and listen to it properly, just oh god.  Seriously.  I'm no longer worried about it being amazing in the slightest.  It's going to be so amazing, guys.  fh;dalsgh;sldghsdl;ghsjckvlzfjdxhgv oh god ::dies::

Anyway, the line was entertaining.  We just talked about random crap, saw Seth a few times and asked him wtf was up, talked about how much better Kristina would be at his job than he is (because...really now.  I mean, she filled his damn list for him), and I ranted now and then about not being able to hear.  fhd;algfhdsl;gfh I want my CD now :(  Oh, and Kristina had no idea who the fuck they were, which was also pretty entertaining.  When we got closer, she's all like "is that them?" sweetie, that's random dude #364, lmfao.  When we finally got close enough to actually see them, she's like "so what are their names?" "Quinn and Jeph." And this repeated all night, I might add, lmao.  Le sigh.  Nearing the table, I was handed a Chadam poster by some random with a box (awww, do we look like that?) and decided to get that signed instead of the DVD insert.  So Kristina, who apparently hadn't been intending to meet them until she was placed in the line, decided to get that signed.  For me, lmao.  I mean what the hell else is she supposed to do?

I sent a text to Katie asking if she'd given them a brownie, and after a few minutes, she texts back "Quinn took them."  WHAT THE FUCK?!  Took them ALL?!  "Yep. He took them and geeked a bit.  He's hording them."  flda;gfhdl;ghds;lgk THOSE WERE OUR BROWNIES YOU LITTLE FUCK!  *ahem*

I was so weirded out by the entire situation, lmao.  I don't like the whole cattle call "HAI CAN YOU SIGN MY STUFFZ?" thing, lmao.  But yes.  And the poor guys--we were towards the back 3rd of the line, and they were so bored, exhausted, and drunk, lmfao.  It's their own fault, lmao, they're the ones who chose to be awesome and sign for everybody there (and more and more people kept adding to the line, lmao).  It was so sad though.  They were positioned at two different but side by side tiny small (but tall) round tables and were like up on barstools.

So Quinn's first, and I walk within like 2 feet of him and it's like WHOA ALCOHOL, lmfao.  Ok then.  He was really out of it but like making an effort, which I totally have to give him props for.

I put my thing up on the counter (which is seriously like up to my boobs lmao, so like...idk, I'm 5 feet tall, however high that would be, but it made me feel dwarfish, lmao).
"Hi, I'm Quinn, how are you?"
"I'm doing really great, how are you?"  Ok, LMAO.  But seriously, so. fucking. awkward.
"I'm exhausted!  I'm sorry, I'm so out of it and I'm being a jerk."  
"...Dude, wtf you're FINE"
Then I asked for a picture, lighting etc, but whatever (it was crazy bright up there and different things were happening, lol).  And lmfao at the fact that his hair looks like...photoshopped or something, rofl.  Also, I direct you to my hand...

And I'm feeling more than slightly retarded, lmao, and I'm feeling like I actually ought to say something a little more substantial and meaningful, so as I'm starting to walk over toward Jepha, I turned back to Quinn:
"I am seriously so excited for this album, like you can't even imagine." (but not fangirlish like it probably sounds)
And he sort of snapped out of his ~haze and looked me right in the eye and was like "Thank you.  Seriously."  awwww and I *squee*  Even if he is as much of a little fuck as everybody says he is, he was super fucking sweet to me and was all apologetic about being out of it and stuff.

As I'm walking between the two tables, I notice that A) somebody gave Quinn a unicorn (lmao), and B) the boys had been DRAWING ON THE TABLES.  Just sitting there, drawing on the fucking store's tables.  Oh, sad bored boys.  Win.

So Jepha.  While not nearly as drunk as Quinn, he was so out of it.  Exhausted, stressed, whatever, but he was sort of like yeah whatever, picturesignnext.  I felt really bad for him, lol.  But yeah, I don't even really remember what we talked about, he asked how I was and stuff and other small talk like that, I tried to tell him hi for a friend, and I got a picture, lmao.

Haha OMG.  Ok yeah, ew.  Just...ew.  But Jepha looks cute, so I'll probably photoshop myself out of it, lmfao.

He kept doing weird hand motions and stuff, different stuff with each person.  You know, if I had been him, I'd probably be doing whatever the fuck I could to change it up and make it more entertaining for myself, as well, lmfao.  Oh, and I kept getting distracted by his tattoos, lmao.  Like...especially the neck ones.  I want ink pretty badly, but just...*shudder*

So yeah, I somehow neglected to take pictures of the signatures.  Whatever, lmao.  I <3 my new signed Chadam poster like whoa, lol.

After Denise and Kristina got through, we went in search of our friends.  Kristina got her Schnapps which she'd been counting on all day and I helped her drink it, lmao.  I don't usually drink but it had been a fuck of a long day/week, so whatever.  BY THE WAY, Kristina can't hold her liquor for shit.  I suggest supplying her with ample amounts of alcohol if you ever get the chance.

Anyway, we got the story on the brownies--basically, he saw them, she asked if he wanted one, he grabbed another WHILE SHOVING THE FIRST IN HIS MOUTH, and basically stole the whole tin, lmfao.  The whole tin of like 20 brownies or something, lmao.  Not cool, dude, not cool.

We'd been joking about going back for them in line, but after that, we were like, haha.  We only wanted one, lmao, and we'd share that one.  You seriously have no idea how amazing these brownies are.  They're like...the kind of thing you drive 5 hours for (Brooke, I am pimping you the fuck out, lmfao).  Anyway, so we jump back into the back of the line to see what we can ~negotiate.  I don't know, I feel slightly weird about this whole thing now, lmao, but it made sense in the moment.  I feel weird treating them as anything but normal people, so...

"Hey, you know those brownies you stole?"  LMAO, the poor kid looked confused, but we explained to him that our friend had gone through and that he'd STOLEN them and he went back and got them.  We were like "No seriously, keep them, we just want one."  He tried to convince us they weren't really that good and definitely not the best he'd had, though we totally called him out on the fact that he had quite literally been stuffing his face with them.  Pictoral proof apparently exists somewhere, I'm just waiting for them to be uploaded and sent to me, lmao.

So we sort of joked like that for a few minutes, and we told him why we wanted one so badly--they were our comfort brownies to make up for our shitty last week.  He was like "Awww, what happened?"  *ahem*  Well...he DID ask...we hesitated for a second and then were sort of like wtf and just sort of explained the situation to him.  And that was the point at which he launched into his "Gerard Way is the biggest Cocaine addict in the world" speech, lmfao, which many of you have probably already heard about by now.  He started ranting and all 3 of us were just sort of like "................"  I mean, it was the weirdest/funniest thing ever.  WTF do you say in that situation?  I was like holy SHIT, dude.  He kept drunkenly rambling on, saying that "he says he's clean and sober, but he's full of shit."  o.O  So. strange.  He was getting pissy about it and Jepha was right there--listening to it all--and not saying anything.  I don't know what the hell to think and I honestly don't really care?  It would make sense with a lot of stuff if he was using, but it's not like he and Quinn are like besties anymore to know.  But it would jive with why they're so adament that he's a liar/hypocrite, and I don't know.  I'm taking it witha grain of salt, lol.  Again, pretty much nothing's going to surprise me about them anymore but that rant sure as fuck did, lmao.  He was obviously pretty fucking bitter, and he said something that made Kristina whip out her ticket from the (twice post-ponned and eventually cancelled) Columbus show.  I wish I could remember for the life of me what he said to make her/us think that would be ok, because looking back, it shoudn't have been.  But he did, and she asked him if he'd sign the ticket.  He sort of hesitated for a second and then was like "fuck it" and signed.  We asked Jeph if he'd sign it and sort of started to move more toward him and he started talking to us about the shows, why they'd been cancelled, etc, leaving the drug issue alone completely (as far as I know).  When he signed, he crossed out the My Chemical Romance and wrote The Used, lmfao.  So FTW.  While Quinn continued to rant, lmfao.  Anyway, ticket for the sake of completion:

So we're seriously like moving away from Quinn and he's got people behind us to talk to/sign for, and he's still rambling about Gerard, lmfao.   At some point during his drunken spiel, he picks up his sharpie and starts drawing all over the lid of the brownie tin.  A picture of a cracked-out guy, complete with a joint and everything, while rambling incoherently about Gerard, lmfao.  I'm assuming it's supposed to be him, lol.  This drawing and the rant sort of made my life, and I'm not even joking, rofl:

ILY Quinn.

The best part was when we were pretty much done talking to Jepha and were like walking away.  I'm like starting to edge away, sort of making motions to take the brownies with me, and the kid's like reaching over to finish his drawing, lmfao.  Which he has now been working on for quite some time.  Then all of a sudden he takes the sharpie, stabs it into the drawing dude's lower face, and looked up and was like "DIMPLE!" really loudly.  Ok, LMFAO.  He was so wasted by this point and he'd been ranting and oh.  So amazing.  You can totally see the stab print in the picture, lmfao.

After that completely fucked up little episode, we went over and found a table, just sort of chilling out.  It was MUCH easier to hear the album up there and that made me haaaaaapy.  We took some random pictures, and all was well.  We also got Seth to give us the wristbands we were supposed to have gotten (I'm a memory whore, lmao--I keep everything).  They're sort of strangley badass, decked out with skulls and stuff, haha.

Eventually--well after 9:00 (when it was supposed to end at 8:00)--they get done, go do some random thing for some street team kids, and leave.  We hang around and talk to Seth and his little sister Sarah.  I learned far more about Seth than I ever wanted to last night, most importantly being that his sister is so much cooler than he is, lmao (Becky--she went and saw the Wicked OBC, by the way...).  He still kind of skeeves me out, honestly, but I had some hardcore bonding time with her when Seth and Kristina wandered off to get more alcohol, lol.  Ah, good times.

I spent a great deal of the night trying to get Seth to give me his advance copy of the album to no avail, lmfao.  It has his ~name on it, he'd lose his job, etc, etc.  Whatever, I think he just wants to have it to himself to lord over us, honestly.  (I'm totally joking, by the way--I didn't ever expect him to give it to me, but I had to try, yes?)  He's had it for over a month and has been bragging about how amazing it is.  Bastard.  But he offered to let us go out to his car and listen to it, which is sort of awesome.

Except that he turned the stereo up WAAAAAAYYYYYY loud in a public and deserted mall parking lot.  The Rent-a Cops were on us in a matter of minutes, lol.  We got through the first song (fhdlka;shfgdl;gth;lgth) before they asked us to leave, lmao.  He was drunk and was sort of like fuck them, they can't do anything.  But we were like um...huh.  We started sort of getting ready to go and they come BACK (this time he had a buddy, rofl) and we were like seriously, we're leaving.  I went to get my stuff from the car, and all I hear is him going "listen, my friend..."  LMFAO dude.  The SOBER ones assured them we were all leaving, just waiting for me to get my crap.  They drove back around Seth's car as we started to walk off, I guess making sure we were actually leaving.  Seth's parting words:  "Those guys have tiny penises." *holds up finger and thumb*  LMFAO.

We went to Steak and Shake so Kristina could sober up and went back to KTB's house to bed.

Wednesday morning, everybody else slept in until like 10:30 while I was up at like 6:00, lol.  I couldn't sleep.  Whatever, the internet brought some lol's.  Before we left, we headed over to the mall because KTB had told us about some Ray action figures at Spencer's that had not only been sitting in the store for about a year (being moved from shelf to shelf, lmfao), but had also been marked down ridiculously.  So we went to buy us some Rays, lmfao.  The fearless leader ~demands.  There were just enough for all of us (3), and that was exciting.  Oh, and Katie bought a FOB Andy whose tattoos were so scenetastic they GOT STUCK TO THE BOX.  No seriously, where his arm had been up against the plastic, he was missing ink and what should have been there was stuck to the plastic!  Greatest thing ever.  We stopped at Little Caesar's to eat before going our separate ways because I was geeking at them still EXISTING.  They all disappeared from Indiana like 10 years ago, lmfao.  I was excited, l'm not gonna lie.  Anyway, we finally got back after another 5 hours on the road (and Mapquest failing us a few more times, lmao, but in areas I knew).  We also stopped to to take a picture of a super special road sign, lmao.

Random pictures:

LMAO, KTB took a picture of us from ~above. We're at the top-Kristina's pointing, I'm to the left, Denise is behind us.


She's pretty geeked about that ticket, lmao.  She's also a bit wasted.  ~Happy~ Kristina...

Camera test what?  This is not a happy face.  FYI.  Be kind, it'd been a long and stresful day...

LMFAO, there is so much of interest going on in this picture... 

Such a strange man.

Ah, always the ~professional.  Yes, that's a condom, lmao. 

Jepha drew a dead fish on KTB's shirt, lmao.

Drawing said fish

Drunken snuggles during our ~forbidden listening party, lmao.  I'm such a good friend :) 

MMMMM PIZZA! PIZZA!  Surely I can't be the only one who remembers this, lmao

You can't tell by my half-dead expression, but I'm geeked.

Mmmmm...ok, that looks disgusting but it was actually really amazing...but ZOMG SQUARE PIZZA

LMAO, Muncie totally wins, not gonna lie.

And, finis.

If you don't care about any of that and just want to know how the album is, it's seriously amazing.  I had trouble hearing it for part of it, but it got better later and what I could hear, just hdf;ladshfdsl; *flail*

EDIT:  I forgot, there was a girl who had them sign a My Chem flyer (I don't know anything about it, why she did it, or what the story was), and Jeph crossed out the stuff on it and wrote "My Chemical Snowpants" and "The White Charade."

Ok, the Snowpants thing...whatever.  But THE WHITE CHARADE?!  Oh Jepha, you're such a fucking genius...
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