Fic: People Skills

Oct 26, 2012 22:34

Title: People Skills
Fandom: Parks and Recreation
Characters/Pairings: Chris and Ben friendship. With a dash of Jen Barkley and a dash of April.
Rating: PG
Word count: ~1700
Summary: Alternate take on Soda Tax: Ben remembers how to not be an idiot.
Notes: Happy birthday, stillscape! Hope you're having a literally fantastic day! This is based on how you ( Read more... )

fanfic, parks and rec

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Comments 30

isalsayourface October 26 2012, 21:08:51 UTC
Listen, I have got to run. Literally to go running with Andy. I LOVED this, because, yes, that is so Chris Traeger!

I am now adopting this into personal headcanon because I like to believe that Ben and Chris ARE actually pretty good friends. I mean, how could they not be, after working so long together? I sincerely hope we get to see a Ben and Chris scene in the future that involves their friendship, where Ben doesn't seem exasperated by Chris and where Chris isn't acting like a caricature of himself. This was so much fun to read!


stiffleaves October 28 2012, 18:40:53 UTC
Thank you! It's really interesting to me that you read this as them being pretty good friends. stars_inthe_sky said it read to her like they had known each other forever without ever really getting close. I'm fine with either of those interpretations, actually; it's fun to see how people see them, and this.


jncar October 26 2012, 21:54:48 UTC
Chris/Ben friendship times! yay!

My fingers are crossed for stuff like this in canon now that Ben is back in Pawnee. Chris for best man, yes? (Tom will be ridiculously jealous, but Chris is Ben's oldest friend. He's earned it.)


jncar October 27 2012, 15:09:03 UTC
Secreting this!


stiffleaves October 28 2012, 18:44:53 UTC
I do, too. Definitely. And I kind of need them to express how weird their relationship got after Ben resigned and Chris got incredibly depressed (even if those two things aren't presented as being related). If Ben and Chris were just suddenly on such good terms that Chris becomes best man without batting an eye, I'll be annoyed, I'm not gonna lie.


stillscape October 26 2012, 23:12:38 UTC
OMG, yes. To all of this. This is literally a million times better than what actually happened in the episode. <3.


popgurlie October 27 2012, 03:45:22 UTC
i second this a thousand times. loved it!


stiffleaves October 28 2012, 18:45:17 UTC


stiffleaves October 28 2012, 18:45:09 UTC
Hee! So glad you enjoyed this. :)


lizinstereo October 26 2012, 23:20:53 UTC
This is so much better than what happened in the episode.

I want a fic about Ben's nightmarish time in New Amsterdam.

In other words, this was super enjoyable, exemplary fanwork! *finger guns*


stiffleaves October 28 2012, 18:45:32 UTC
Thank you so much! :D


emilyla October 27 2012, 13:19:42 UTC
Poor numbers robot and all of the terrible things that happen to him in fic. :) Your character voices here were perfect, and I absolutely loved this! And yeah, better than the actual episode times a million.


stiffleaves October 28 2012, 18:46:03 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm always super glad to hear the voices ring true. :)


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