Continuing the dump of pictures I've never are some random pictures in Utah taken while on car rides (or on my way to going for a ride) throughout this year.
I know you would most likely disagree, but I love Utah and believe I am lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I could never live in a place with no mountains.
I don't disagree at all. I know I whine about not having many trees :), but that's was I was raised with just as you have mountains. I love the mountains and whenever I think about the feelings I had when I first came here, I get all giddy. It is weird when I go home to no mountains. I think I'm blessed to get the best of both worlds in my life. :)
Comments 4
Just popped over to say hi and see how things were going for you. So hi and glad things seem to be pretty great for you. :)
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