you're stringing round

Jun 29, 2010 15:53

the tricky part is to come back home
mblaq rps (rain/joon)
originally posted here at kpfw_minibang 
A spring spent in Berlin, during which Jihoon is much more clueless than he seems and Changsun feels with his stomach.

part two )

fandom: kpop, pairing: rain/joon, rating: r

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Comments 22

jesusluvsjaeho June 30 2010, 21:08:11 UTC
omg. lovely. awesome. heart-wrenching. and so believable. i live in awe of your characterizations of rain and joon. i wish i had half your talent. *____*

thank you for sharing. totally mem'ing this and recommending it.


stickyvalentine July 1 2010, 19:00:22 UTC
thank you for reading! i'm so pleased you liked it


(The comment has been removed)

stickyvalentine July 1 2010, 19:02:10 UTC
aw i didn't realize it was a sad ending. i wanted to leave it hopeful. thanks for reading ^^


iams June 30 2010, 23:04:23 UTC
Gorgeous there's no other way to describe it!
It's so bittersweet but it gives it a realistic feeling, it's so sad they couldn't end together.
And it's thanks to this amazing fics that i would gladly accept if Joon and Rain where actually dating X'D


stickyvalentine July 1 2010, 19:05:52 UTC
yay bittersweet is what i was aiming for haha! thanks so much for commenting


narcolept_smurf July 1 2010, 00:36:22 UTC
So that was epic awesome. Written sooo well that even though I hated the ending I accept it and love it at the same time lol


stickyvalentine July 1 2010, 19:03:13 UTC
haha thank youuuuu


milktour July 1 2010, 03:56:09 UTC
so i already told you how i feel about this fic on the kpfw post but i'll just reiterate

you are perfect omg :( pls continue to write mblaq


stickyvalentine July 1 2010, 19:03:56 UTC
nooo your comment is perfect. you are too lovely to me! thank you again


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