Title: All Things Bright and Beautiful
sticktothestoryRating: PG-13
Summary: Crowley and Aziraphale are waiting for the Apocalypse. Again.
Length: 2,500 words
A/N: Many thanks to
vulgarweed and
enaranie for betaing.
Any remaining mistakes are my own. Concrit is very much appreciated. Credit for
the Beethoven kick I've been on goes to
All Things Bright and Beautiful )
Comments 42
It did sort of make me want to read a scene where they WERE supposed to fight but [of course] couldn't, and how that situation would pan out
Oh, if you have any intentions of writing that, I'd love to read it, too. :)
I shall calmly ask for more GO stuff from you
I've got seven other pieces of varying quality to offer you here, but that's it for this fandom so far. Luckily, go_exchange is coming up. Will you be participating, BTW?
Hm, I shall file that away under my ideas for Go fic. Of course I have two started at one time now and a ficlet i began last night, so who knows when. xD
Oo. *clicks link* Thanks. Still hope to see more from ya. :D
Yep, I will be, I just have to fill out my thing and post it. *procrastinator* ^_^;;;
Are you doing it?
(BTW, my schedule/life is better now, so next time you need a beta, just message me. ^-^)
Actually, I was asking to say, if you don't yet have a beta for the exchange, feel free to call on me (justwildcommunication at gmail dot com).
And, and, "It’s the End of the World and I’m wearing cotton.”
I think I love you.
This was really well-written! Crow and Az were spot-on, and the lists! Ingenious.
Perfectly IC, perfectly constructed, and with a plot that I can see so, so clearly in my mind's eye: oh, God, I can just see the two of them, sprawled in a nuclear wasteland, playing rock-paper-scissors and mind games and yet feeling very worried for themselves and for each other and--
--and of course you know they're wondering if they're ever going to see each other again. It's a farewell story. *dies* So bittersweet. I hate it. I love it. I hate you for being able to write it. ...I think I need to read it again.
This is probably in the top three best A/C fics I've ever read. And I've been in this fandom for four years. :O
Congrats. You rock at life.
It's a farewell story.
Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to write. I'm so glad I managed to convey that. Thanks again, you've really made my day. ♥
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