FanLib: Are You There Yet?

May 14, 2007 18:07

EDIT: Please see the life_wo_fanlib community for more recent updates.

This is a brief public service announcement.

I learned about this from morgandawn.

There is a new website called It was funded by venture capital and has a board of directors, all of whom are rich bigwigs in the entertainment industry. I shit you not. Their goal is to "bring fanfiction into the mainstream." I think that means make money off it [not necessarily directly, but through selling crap/serving up ads to fanfic readers and writers].

I am disturbed, but you know what would be really disturbing? If someone signed up there and snaked my name. *g* So I've set up a place-holder profile there. If you are a fanfic writer, you may wish to consider doing the same. Or maybe you don't. There are drawbacks either way.

Like Morgandawn, I do NOT recommend posting fanfiction there. I've read the terms of service, and there is some scary murkiness.

Read the FanLib Press Release.

The line The launch of represents the coming of age of fan fiction, or "fanfic." makes me ill.

EDIT: I initially included links to my LJs in my FanLib profiles. In a fit of paranoia, I went back and deleted them.

ANOTHER EDIT: *guffaws*

FanLib: The world's greatest fan fiction by popular demand.

The Woman In Red
By neena, from Supernatural
1 ratings, 11 views, 1 comments
Is this the woman to save Dean's life or just another heartbreak waiting to happen? - What is there left living for? Crystal has suffered heartache too and doesn't know whether she can trust herself to love again. Secrets come into play, what can they trust? Will this experience be different or just lead her down the same path of death and destruction?

I edited the above to remove spoilers. If you are avoiding SPN spoilers, I recommend not going to FanLib, as people are plopping them into their story summaries. Also, neena shortened Crystal to Crys and I just couldn't take it.

Shit! I just can't stop hurting myself. From the fic summarized above: "As soon as Dean pulled up, he knew that Jo was standing right in front of bar, puffing on a cigarette trying to make herself look older, when really all it did was make her look like a dirty redneck with an apron. Her jeans were faded and torn, as if they were meant to look rugged."

Got to love the Mary Sue fics that hate on the female characters. :)

EDIT: Links to more discussion

FanLib's forum for questions about the web site.

Suspiciously optimistic article on FanLib at the blog Dated 5/18/2007.

Jdsampson: My Official I Love Fanlib Thread!!! Friends-locked and no longer accessible.

Icarusancalion: FanLib Invitation. One of the select few. Like hell.

Telesilla takes apart the FanLib FAQ. *giggles*

Cesperanza on why fanfiction is not illegal.

Astolat on a fanfiction archive of one's own.

FanLib CEO flaming LJ members?

Back on April 21, lotrfanfiction members had a run in with another FanLib exec.

Fanthropology discussion initiated by yourlibrarian. Includes contributions from jdsampson, a FanLib employee.

Angiepen takes a detailed look at FanLib's terms of service.

Telesilla describes corporations profiting from fan creations in the past.

Cofax7 provides an overview of FanLib.

Kyuuketsukirui suggests FanLib isn't the fanfiction apocalypse.

Almostnever offers reasons why the monetization of fanfiction may be inevitable.

Cofax7 has a nifty round-up of current discussions, including the all important "Who is the intended audience for FanLib?"

By me: FanLib's revenue plan: Turn fanfiction writers into affiliates.

Astridv: FanLib gives an illusion of recognition and legitimacy.

I have unlocked this.

ranting: fanlib, fandom

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