back to SIFF press screenings

May 06, 2019 22:04

Today we were back to SIFF press screenings, and saw three of them, as usual.
The 10 am film was We Are the Radical Monarchs, a documentary about a new organization, similar to Girl Scouts, but with a stronger emphasis on the concerns of girls of color, and social justice in general. (The Girl Scouts are already pretty good about social justice, unlike the Boy Scouts.) It's remarkable how much of an inside view of the organization is portrayed, even well before there was any sign that the organization would survive long enough to deserve a documentary treatment. Very good.
The noon film was Olympic Dreams, a narrative film made with an artist-in-residence program at the 2018 Olympics. The good points are the widespread access to the actual Olympics, and an excellent performance by female lead Alexi Pappas, a 2016 Olympic distance runner playing a 2018 cross country skier. Other than that, the film is lackluster.
The 2 pm film was Wild Rose, about a Glasgow woman who finishes her prison term, gets a job, and seeks a career in the very American musical genre, country. It was good, even though I'm generally not a fan of country music.

film 201x, siff

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