traffic, parking, films

May 08, 2018 20:35

This morning, to avoid a repeat of yesterday's press screening screw-up, "J" and I left an entire hour earlier. But as it turned out, traffic was so miserable that we only mad it there about 20 minutes earlier.
The good news is that I actually found street parking only four or five blocks away: four hours for the bargain price of $7.41, once I managed to get Pay-by-Phone to work.
Paying wasn't easy. First I tried to pay with a credit card, but the pay station wasn't in the mood to read my card. Next, I discovered that Pay-by-Phone had done an update (some time in the past year or so), because it was apparently too easy to use and they needed to make it more difficult. At least, unlike the pay station, it worked.
So how were the films? I already wrote reviews. I liked some aspects of the 10 am film quite a lot, but not enough to make up for the shortcomings. The noon film was a documentary prequel, for which enjoyment is likely to be similar to the original.

customer service, car, siff 2018

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