awards ceremony, three films, closing night party

Jun 11, 2017 23:22

I already wrote about this morning's awards ceremony, so the link back is enough.
"J" and I saw three films today. The 11 am film was Secret Festival #4, which (in my opinion) broke our new artistic director's perfect record for selecting good films for Secret. But three out of four isn't bad.
We stayed at the Egyptian for the 1:30 pm film, This Is Our Land, a French drama about a single mother nurse who was persuaded to run for mayor by a far-right political party apparently modeled on the National Front, though the film changed the names. Like the Trumpist faction of the present-day Republican party, the film's right-wing party had a lot of violently racist allies - never explicitly endorsed, but also never clearly disavowed. The film was made before the recent French elections, so the real-life elections provided a conclusion to the film - a happy ending as it turned out; the real-life extremist party was soundly defeated. The film was a mix of good and bad; I rate it almost good.
Our final film for the day was also our final film for the festival: the 6 pm closing night gala film, The Young Karl Marx, at the Cinerama. I've already written a proper review of it, so no need to write more here.
The party was at the Museum of History and Industry. Parking was a hassle, but I dropped off J to spare her the walk. For some reason the foot bridge from the parking to the museum was closed.
Food at the party, catered by Kaspar's, was good and abundant, as usual with Kaspar's. Alcoholic beverages were abundant too, as usual for SIFF parties. the music was fine, and the venue was nice. J and I had fun saying our goodbyes to the SIFF people who we weren't just going to see again at some unofficial parties. It was a long day out.
When we got home, we were greeted by "L", who had been there to visit "T", though T had dozed off. It was nice to talk with her again. T had spent the morning and earlier afternoon in Bellevue visiting my parents, so he had a long day of fun too.

film 201x, siff 2017, party

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