Link to this author’s fanfiction:
AO3 Ratings: G, T, maybe M if it’s just for language and violence
Pairings: Stiles/Derek, Jackson/Lydia, Scott/Allison, Erica/Boyd, gen, and possibly Scott/Isaac
This author won’t write: I am incapable of writing sex scenes and horror fic
This author would like to write: I love writing fluff and humor but also like writing angst and anything with magic
Specific or vague prompts? I’m good with either specific or vague prompts, really
Number of fanfic this author is offering and maximum words per fanfic (click on each fic to find its thread and bid on it):
- 1 Fanfic of 1,000 words
- 1 Fanfic of 1,000 words
- 1 Fanfic of 1,000 words
- 1 Fanfic of 1,000 words