Nov 05, 2005 09:09
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often or have never met in person, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. (anonymous comments are allowed as well)
When you're finished, post this in your journal and see what people remember about you
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Comments 1
The look on your face when you found "the video" in Alabama. I believe they call it "mesmerised."
Singing The Jefferson's theme song at the top of our lungs every single night before going to sleep, and NEVER getting in trouble for it.
The fact that we ate taco bell before going to Linda Johnsonius' for dinner too!
The cannabis-induced drive to Taco Bell in freaking MARTIN, and you thinking the woman had shut her head in the window.
The stock guy at wal-mart and the pallets of Sam's Choice dog food.
You...and me...and Michael at Hardee's after work...and the looks you both gave me when I was playing with the keychain and pinched the hell out of myself.
Us and John Cary and JJ in Spanish, learning how to roll our R's and watching Shelton's ass.
The PONTOON boat!!!!
OMG...and my FAVORITE: The Full Moon Saloon. Enough said.
***huggles you tight*** I miss you, my friend.
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