I don't want to waste my time

Mar 25, 2009 22:29

Stephen Britton Cornfoot
Character Biography

Character's Name: Stephen Britton Cornfoot
Age: 26
Birthdate: October 25, 1979
Become another casuality of society )

stephen, character bio

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Comments 2

cassandra_sheep March 26 2009, 05:22:04 UTC
Cassandra: Well, aren't you a tasty morsel? How do you do, stud?

Emma: *bounces and hugs* Stephen!

Romy: *smiles* Nice to see you, Mr. Cornfoot.

Reilly: *smirks* Good evening, Stephen.

Graham: Cornfoot. When are we heading out to the casinos, mate? I've been looking forward to taking your money.

Montague: *nods with a raised brow* Cornfoot.


stephen_sheep March 27 2009, 01:15:26 UTC
Cassandra: I'm well... and you are? *takes hand, kisses the back of it*

Emma: *smirks* Hello there, love.

Romy: *nods**small smile* Mrs.Wood.

Reilly: *smirks* Reilly, good to see you as always.

Graham: Pritch, just bring your wallet full and be prepared to leave with it empty.

Montague: Montague. *returns nod with small smirk*


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