Chapter 13

Sep 20, 2006 09:08

            After a few coolers in the Limo, eight of them arrived at the prom. On the ride there, Derek and Preston regaled everyone with their terrifying Prom stories, making everyone laugh.

When they walked into the Sheraton, everything was silver, blue and black. It looked beautiful. “Come on guys, lets get our table.” Izzie said as they all followed, Derek’s hand on the small of Meredith’s back.

From a distance, Finn opened the flask he had brought and took a swig. He saw him with her, he saw him touch her and whisper things into his ear. Before closing the flask, he took one last swig, then walked away.


After dinner, the music came on. Izzie dragged an extremely reluctant Alex to the dance floor, George and Callie decided to dance and Preston dragged Christina out there, leaving Meredith and Derek alone at the table.

“You don’t want to dance?” Derek asked.

“I was never one for fast paced dancing, I would probably hurt you.”

“Ok, but you’re mine for the first slow one.”

“And everyone after.” Meredith said with a smile.

Meredith continued to watch the dance floor, as Derek continued to watch her. She looked back at him. “What are you looking at?”

“You… Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?”

Meredith blushed. She would say that she really didn’t care about how she looked, but she really had. It had taken about twenty dresses to finally find the black one she was wearing. It was strapless and had just enough tulle to make it look like an actual prom dress, not just an evening gown… as Izzie had put it. “Thanks Derek.”

At that moment a slow song came on. “Ms. Grey would you like to dance with me?”

“I would love to.”

The two got up and made their way to the dance floor. Meredith wrapped her arms around Derek’s neck as he put his hands on her waist. She put her head on his shoulder. Unbeknownst to them, almost every senior was jealous of the happy couple.

Half way through the song, Derek felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see who it was. It was Finn. He reeked of liquor. “Mind if I cut in Doctor McDreamy?”

“Finn, what the hell are you doing?” Meredith asked. By this time, couples around them continued to dance, but were listening intently to the conversation, Alex especially who was just a few feet away dancing with Izzie.

“Come on Mer, I just want to dance with my girl.”

Derek held Meredith close to him. “I am not your girl Finn, I was never your girl. I was your punching bag!” Derek smiled to himself. He was really proud of her, to stand up to him like that.

At this point, all couples were listening. They all thought that Finn was a really great guy and when Meredith and him had broken up, a lot of the senior class was shocked, but now, everyone around them now knew Finn’s secret.

Finn tried to make his way closer to Meredith, only to be pushed back by Derek. “You don’t want to do this.” He said, warningly.

“What are you, her fucking body guard, I’ll go near her if I want to go near her!”

This time he tried to grab Meredith’s arm, she pulled back a little from Derek as he pushed him again, harder this time, sending him into a few dancers close by. “You don’t want to fight me Finn.”

“Why the hell not” Finn said, stumbling a bit from side to side.

“Because I’ll kill you, idiot!” Derek said.

As Finn went to make one more move, Hotel security showed up.  “Is there a problem here?” He asked Derek.

“Yeah, this guy is drunk and he was trying to hurt my girlfriend.” Derek said, pulling Meredith closer to him again.

“Alright buddy,” one of the security guys said, “you’re out of here.”

Finn may have been drunk, but he knew defeat when he saw it in two very large security guards.

The whole senior class watched as Finn was escorted from the ballroom. Izzie and Alex came up from behind Meredith and Derek. “Wow, never a dull moment with you huh Mer?” Alex said.

“Yeah well, you know me.” Meredith said with a laugh.

“Are you ok?” Derek whispered in her ear.

“I’m fine… Lets just dance ok?” Meredith put her arms around Dereks neck once more, “I really don’t want Finn to ruin my night.”

“Then lets not let him.” Derek smiled.


The eight really didn’t want to stay too long at the prom. Alex’s parents were out of town and by default, he was designated to throw an after party. It would just be the eight of them though.

They had left after Izzie and Alex had been crowned Prom King and Queen and their dance. Even though it was Alex’s house, he and Izzie had gone upstairs, Christina and Burke had gone outside and Callie and George were in the kitchen making drinks. ‘They’ll be thirsty when they’re done’ Callie had said.

Meredith had changed into a pair of sweats and a tank top and was currently enjoying the attention Derek was giving her neck.

They continued this for awhile, then sitting up when George and Callie came into the family room, along with Christina and Burke. Waiting for Izzie and Alex, they talked about Prom and graduation.

“I don’t want to go to the ceremony. It is going to be so lame, and, I’m a Y. Do you have any idea how long I’m going to have to sit there?”

“Yeah, I’m totally ditching after they call my name.” Meredith said.

“Christina, you honestly don’t want to walk across the stage and get your diploma?” George asked.

“No I don’t want to walk across the stage and get my diploma holder.” She retorted, making everyone laugh.

“So guys, how about a game of poker?” Alex asked, coming downstairs, followed by a disheveled Izzie.

“Sure I’m in.” Burke said.

“Yeah me too.” Derek added.

Izzie sat down next to Meredith on the couch. “Do they not realize that its prom night?” Izzie said.

“Do they not realize that we were going to into Alex’s hot tub?”   Meredith added.

“Ha! Losers. Come on, we can have some serious fun without them.” Izzie said, dragging Meredith, Callie and Christina upstairs to get the swim suits they had left there.


A/N: Ok, I’m basing this chapter on my prom when the guys all went and played poker and my girlfriends and I went into the hot tub. Sorry, no sex for Mer/Der. I couldn’t do it. I cant write it because of the direction the story is about to turn. The goodbyes and the sadness. Sorry!

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