Title: Leaning Slightly to the Left: Chapter 11
queenb23more who bid for this on the
help_chile community.
Chapter Rating: T
Chapter Warnings: Lol, I do hate repeating myself!
Featured Characters/Pairings: Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry, OFC, Ron/OFC, Ron/Hermione
Chapter Word Count: 4,632
Summary: Hermione's life is not what she expected it to be and she doesn't know
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Comments 9
But I'm going to make you proud of me, because I'm doing what is right, and I'm going to fix things with Mattie. I love her, and I have to prove that to her. That's what needs rectifying, isn't it? You always put your heart and soul into something, Hermione, and I want to make you proud of me again. I promise you, when I'm back, I'll start being the friend to you that I should be. I promise you that.
*gives you a look so pointed it is often mistaken for Draco Malfoy*
he let himself wonder about what the two of you could have again. He said that he scared himself so much because for just one minute he let all those emotions he's been locking away overtake him, and he remembered all the good times you had. But then… he made himself remember what happened between you before it all ended and he bottled up anything that he felt about you
NO, no, no!!
I want you to have the answer buried away ( ... )
Ron is really going out for that OW$@#)($& interloper, Mattie. I don't know how he'll manage to outdo himself when the time comes for him to prove that he loves Hermione more. Because, "oh, I do love you and we were always connected, dear," isn't going to cut it in the face of proposals and "I do"s and mad trips around the globe.
if she weren't so damn good at this, my insides wouldn't be all achy.
My heart is breaking for poor Hermione. Can't wait to read more!
Seriously. One chapter at a time, I'm having slow, stress induced, death.
Which is, actually, a testament to how powerfully well-written it is. It is just so heartbreaking and lovely, and you've really made me look forward to each of Lavender's next appearances, which is a feat in and of itself!!
Want. Reconciliation. Now!!
*tries to wait patiently*
*has feeling she is failing*
Seriously though...loved it!!
I don't WANT Ron to go after Mattie!! :( And damn it, Hermione might not be mad at Ginny, but I am!! :(
But omg, Lavender rocks beyond all words [thank you!!!] and she totally owned it in this chapter!!
Okay, so now...I have NO IDEA what's coming next, and I LOVE IT!!!!!! :)
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