SGA Fic: Waiting...

Mar 22, 2010 12:33

Author: stella_pegasi
Characters: John S., Rodney M, Teyla E, Ronon D, E. Lorne, Carson B, R. Woolsey. J. Keller, assorted Atlantis personnel, original characters.
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Category: hurt/comfort, angst
Rating: PG
Word Count: 6,521
Warning: Whump to the usual.
Spoilers: Mention of circumstances in Childhood’s ( Read more... )

sga fic, hurt/comfort, jennifer keller, teyla emmagan, rodney mckay, ronon dex, john sheppard, carson beckett, richard woolsey, gen

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Comments 3

outsideth3box March 23 2010, 19:05:27 UTC
Wow those electrical weapons sound nasty. Shame those people had to be so oriented toward violence, they might have made good allies.

I enjoyed the team interconnections that you drew, each member's unwillingness to leave the others. Their bond is one I love to see in action.

Atlantis as a sentient being is a favorite of mine as well. She must be lonely whenever Sheppard is gone, I felt for her in her worry and confusion.

It was such a relief when the teams came back with all members accounted for. They will be sore for some time yet, but at least they are safe and sound.

Very good story. *S*


stella_pegasi March 24 2010, 02:38:27 UTC
Thank you very much. I love the Sheppard/Atlantis interaction and wish the series had addressed it in more depth but at least there is fan fiction. I also love to write about these characters and the devotion and trust they have for each other.

Those were nasty weapons, weren't they? I sure don't want to get hit with one of them!

Thanks again for not only taking the time to read the story but to comment on it, I really appreciate it.

Take care!


tlyna November 30 2010, 21:17:22 UTC
Very wonderful story. Nasty weapons you gave the Lovans. Love how the team are determined to be there for each other and how the others on Atlantis, Lorne, Teldy, et al are willing to go into anything to get their CO back. Poor Atlantis worrying so much over Sheppard and not able to help. Love her last line to John.


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