Her Journey Begins

Aug 18, 2011 10:02

Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Genre(s): AU
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard/OC, Elizabeth Weir, Steven Caldwell, Teyla Emmagan, Samantha Carter, Rodney McKay, Evan Lorne.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen, Het
Word count: 2,080
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them ( Read more... )

character: elizabeth weir, team atlantis, author: stella_pegasi, stargateland, character: john sheppard, au, character: evan lorne, artist: stella_pegasi, character: teyla emmagan, het, pg, character: rodney mckay, character: steven caldwell

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Comments 13

gottalovev August 18 2011, 15:54:32 UTC
ohh, I do like the dark twist you've given them! that was fun!


stella_pegasi August 18 2011, 16:10:29 UTC
Thanks...glad you enjoyed. It was fun to write them so differently from cannon. Thanks for your comment, much appreciated!


sexycazzy August 18 2011, 16:33:24 UTC
Loved this! Wow...what a twist in this AU, glad that John is John in any universe! :-)


stella_pegasi August 18 2011, 17:13:32 UTC
Ah...John will always be John in my book...regardless of universe! So glad you enjoyed...thanks for your comment!!!


sherry57 August 18 2011, 17:21:38 UTC
Just adored this AU. So glad John got the girl in this one!!
I loved how you used the characters from the series here but changed some of the relationships quite a bit in interesting ways! Liked Lorne and Rodney being on John's side. But most importantly, leaving John as John......and with a happy ending! Loved it hon. Thanks for sharing.


stella_pegasi August 18 2011, 17:45:50 UTC
Thanks...so glad you enjoyed! No, could never have John be anyone but the John Sheppard he is. I don't think I could write, Rodney, Lorne or Radek any other way, either. The rest...yeah, it was fun to change them up a bit.

Ah..the lovely Isabella...she's actually getting some fans of her own on ff.net, who keep pm'ing me wanting to know when the next John/Isabella story will be posted. I was suprised.

Thanks...so glad you liked this and I appreciate your comment very much.


sherry57 August 18 2011, 17:49:41 UTC
Yes, I shoulkd actually have said, glad John got this girl in particular!!!
And the next John/Isabella story will be.......as you have no other stories to work on...well apart from Road Trip and a few others of my favourites.....lol


stella_pegasi August 18 2011, 18:22:01 UTC
Get in line! No...next Road Trip installment next week on ff.net...or I think some people are coming to find me. J/I's next story has been started but I doubt much before fall, which I know isn't that far away. Anxious to begin work on it for real.

Besides, there's still the matter of "Crash".....


tarlanx August 18 2011, 17:24:30 UTC
Interesting AU!


stella_pegasi August 18 2011, 17:46:59 UTC
Well, I hope it was interesting in a good way, but either way, thanks so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate it!


tarlanx August 18 2011, 18:01:34 UTC
Oh yes...very interesting in a good way :)


stella_pegasi August 18 2011, 18:19:06 UTC
Oh...good...I was hoping you were happy. Glad it was in a good way!!



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