SGA Fic: Photographs (In Honor of Memorial Day)

May 29, 2011 17:09

Title: Photographs
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Evan Lorne
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: 975
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better.
Summary: A tragic loss, leads to rememberance ( Read more... )

team atlantis, author: stella_pegasi, stargateland, character: john sheppard, friendship, angst, character: evan lorne, pg, gen

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Comments 6

gelbes_gilatier May 30 2011, 00:09:00 UTC
That was beautiful. I loved how lost Lorne seems to be and how he turns to Sheppard for guidance from a superior officer and how Sheppard willingly gives it to him, knowing his duty as a commanding officer. It was so rare that we got to see that side, of both of them, on screen and it's great that you chose to write this for Memorial Day. Love it very much.

Edit: Mind sharing it on stargate_ocs? :)


stella_pegasi May 30 2011, 02:01:08 UTC
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment. I agree, we didn't get enough of these relationships. My vision of Sheppard is that while he doesn't share much as a private person, he feels deeply and has a strong desire to be there for his people.

Thanks you for asking and I will be happy to post this on stargate_ocs Besides, I still have some chapters to write on my Lorne/Cadman story...I haven't forgotten, just been busy. I'll will finish that story.

Thanks again! Will post in a little while.


gelbes_gilatier May 30 2011, 10:49:40 UTC
My vision of Sheppard is that while he doesn't share much as a private person, he feels deeply and has a strong desire to be there for his people.

I agree. I would have loved, for example to see the conversation between Sheppard and Lorne after the end of Tabula Rasa that they hinted at (Ronon telling Sheppard that Lorne would like to have apologize) or Sheppard and the Marines... alas, that#s what fanfiction is for, I think ;)

Thanks you for asking and I will be happy to post this on stargate_ocs

I saw you did. Thank you :)

Besides, I still have some chapters to write on my Lorne/Cadman story...I haven't forgotten, just been busy.

Oh, take your time. I know how that is... some stories just need a little (or a big) break before they can be finished. I'm really looking forward to more chapters but I'd rather you take your time to finish them than put any pressure on yourself :)


stella_pegasi May 30 2011, 16:54:57 UTC
Thank goodness for fanfiction, is least, we can satisfy the loose ends and fill in the blanks TPTB left...and there were a lot of them...

I will finish the story "The Empire", I was really enjoying writing Cadman and I always love writing Lorne, and creating a new world and storyline was fun. I have to finish it....I've just had so many other story challenges that I committed to that I ran out of time...silly me.

So, thanks again, yeah for fanfiction!


sherry57 May 31 2011, 20:34:03 UTC
Beautiful story hon. I love the relationship between Lorne and Sheppard. Sheppard as always taking care of his people. Lorne knowing he can lean on his CO. It's a pity, the series didn't make more of their good working relationship, the friendship they had as well as the quirky sense of hunour they both shared. I often thought of Lorne as the sensible one looking out for Sheppard.
Thanks for this hon.


stella_pegasi May 31 2011, 22:41:29 UTC
You are quite welcome. I thank you for your kind comment. Yeah, Lorne always did appear to be the more sensible of the two in that he led less with his heart and kept an eye out for the colonel. Great relationship that should have been explored more. Lorne was so amazing in Runner...I wish we had seen more of him in that mode.


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