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stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 16:48:49 UTC
Agreed, can never be enough Sheppard. Every time I sign-up for one of these 20in20's and I can choose a character, I think I'll do someone else for a change...never do!

Thanks, glad you liked the AC set...proverbialsunrise posted these textures yesterday and I fell in love with them.

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it!


angelus2hot March 23 2011, 17:07:47 UTC
absolutely GORGEOUS iocns!!!


stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 17:29:34 UTC
Thank you! I definitely think it's the subject matter that makes them gorgeous!!!

Appreciate the comment!!


leesa_perrie March 23 2011, 17:29:42 UTC
Great icons! I really like No Face, Numbers and Shades, and adore your AC set - gorgeous!


stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 18:03:48 UTC
Thanks. I love that screencap that No Face came from...how that man can look hot even from behind is amazing. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it!


skieswideopen March 23 2011, 18:13:41 UTC
Ooh, very nice! I love no face and determined, and your AC set is gorgeous!


stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 18:26:47 UTC
Thanks! I appreciate your comment!


sherry57 March 23 2011, 20:05:02 UTC
OMG!!!! All these great icons....a whole page of Sheppard icons....does everyone know that Christmas is extra early this year??!!!? And he even looks good from behind!! (No Face )

I must be old and out dated though...can't work out internet slang 3 and 5?

Great colours, great expressions, great model...do you hire him out??


stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 20:29:52 UTC
3 is be right back and 5 is very big grin...

Don't feel bad, I had to google a list to come up with 5...I knew WTF and STFU but K and others I had to find. So that makes us both old and dated...not...just not internet slang savvy, that's all!!!

Thanks...glad you enoyed!!!!

No, don't hire him out...I have an exclusive on this model...but I might allow you to borrow him!!


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