Murmurs Chapter Five Atlantis Waits

Mar 21, 2011 18:29

Title: Murmurs
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, Anne Teldy, Original Characters
Spoilers: Post-Season Five
Warnings: Language
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: ~25,000 Five Chapters
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better ( Read more... )

author: stella_pegasi, hurt/comfort, character: jennifer keller, pg-13, character: radek zelenka, character: anne teldy, original characters, whump, action/adventure/, character: ronon dex, fic, character: john sheppard, character: richard woolsey, angst, character: evan lorne, character: carson beckett, character: teyla emmagan, character: rodney mckay, gen

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Comments 12

crashbarrier March 22 2011, 09:17:01 UTC
I could not stop readding this, had to finish it. brilliant story. I especially enjoyed your tension over the rescue of John. Thankyou for writing.


stella_pegasi March 22 2011, 13:21:19 UTC
Thanks for taking the time to read Murmurs and to comment, it is much appreciated. I am very glad that you enjoyed the story. Poor Sheppard, he just can't seem to keep from getting injured.

Thanks again!!! :D


hellbells101 March 22 2011, 21:48:33 UTC
Loved the story and loved the hint of their being more to Sheppard's abilities than meets the eye. More please?


stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 02:14:04 UTC glad you like the story. Hmmm...guess I'm going to have to continue the story about the 'key'. I really appreciate your comment. Promise I will follow up on this story; I want to know more about Sheppard's abilities, too!

Thanks again!!!!


kazbaby March 23 2011, 18:32:57 UTC
Great story! Is it weird that even at 5 chapters it was way too short for me?

Are we going to find out in the future about John's 'potential' and this key that really did exist?


stella_pegasi March 23 2011, 18:48:55 UTC have no idea how I laughed at your comment about 5 chapters being too short. I have such a tendency to write and write and write, that stories tend to end up longer than I meant for them to be when I start. I finally drew the line on this one and wrapped it up.

I am glad that you enjoyed the story and really appreciate the comment. Yes, I have every intention of writing about Sheppard and the 'key'. In fact, I have written a couple of stories that have been leading in that direction before this one. Stories that inferred there was something more ahead for Sheppard and Atlantis awareness of it. Well be working on that story soon.

Thanks again. I appreciate you taking time to read Murmurs, as well as commenting.


kazbaby March 23 2011, 19:27:48 UTC have no idea how I laughed at your comment about 5 chapters being too short.

*blushes* I'd simply meant that it flew by and I was finished before I knew it.

I look forward to any stories you write in the future.


stella_pegasi March 26 2011, 06:23:25 UTC
No, I did understand what you meant and I appreciated the's just that it reminded me of a comment of close friend who always teases me about how carried away I get. I plan on a 10,000 word story and it becomes a 25,000 word story. I was actually laughing at myself.

Thank again!! I really appreciate the comment.


shepsgirl March 23 2011, 19:50:22 UTC
Great story. Very enjoyable and I'm intrigued now about this key. Thanks for sharing.


stella_pegasi March 26 2011, 06:19:13 UTC
Thanks so much...I appreciate your comment and glad you enjoyed the story. As for the 'key' I will write more about it.

Thanks again!!


semisweetsoul June 23 2011, 20:28:22 UTC
Hello! I'm here to say that I enjoyed reading your story. I generally avoid long fics, but something sucked me in, and I couldn't stop. A good thing, I guess.

What else can I say? I liked the way you write, even though Sentient Atlantis gave me the creeps. Now I'm quite curious about the key you're talking about. Nice last minute twist to add that it does exist (like Sheppard I thought it just a part of his delusion).

Thank you for sharing your story. :)

Just one thing, I don't suppose you intended to have the entire chapter in italics, I imagine there's a missing closing html tag somewhere. ;)


stella_pegasi June 23 2011, 22:45:10 UTC
Thank you so much. I appreciate you taking the time to read the story. I love sentient Atlantis (obviously), so sorry she gave you the creeps. As for the key, I am planning a soon as I get done finishing everything else.

Thanks again...I really appreciate your comment.

And thanks...I left a end italics tag name,,, wonder the entire chapter was in italics! I fixed it, thanks to you!


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