Road Trip Bakersfield Bound

Feb 27, 2011 21:03

Title: Road Trip
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Carson Beckett
Spoilers:Post-Season Five
Genre(s): Slice of Life, Action/Adventure, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, and I promise, WHUMP!
Warnings: Language
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: Total: 14,810 (Two parts, ( Read more... )

action/adventure/, author: stella_pegasi, humor, whump, hurt/comfort, character: ronon dex, character: john sheppard, fic, friendship, character: carson beckett, slice of life, character: rodney mckay, pg-15

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Comments 4

sexycazzy February 28 2011, 11:47:51 UTC
Loved this! And the last line - oh, John! You shouldn't have said that!



stella_pegasi March 1 2011, 04:33:19 UTC
Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed. I certainly had fun thinking up things to for them to do.

Poor John, sometimes he just doesn't think, does he.

Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it!


leesa_perrie February 28 2011, 22:10:27 UTC
Oh, this was a lot of fun!! And the last bit? Priceless! LOL!


stella_pegasi March 1 2011, 04:35:08 UTC
Tnanks! :D Glad you enjoyed.

Wonder what kind of trouble they'll get into in Vegas?

Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it!


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