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Comments 11

sherry57 December 4 2010, 20:02:57 UTC
Haven't had time to read yet but tomorrow should find some so I'll get back to you then. Looking forward to reading it although will seem strange to read a


sherry57 December 4 2010, 20:04:23 UTC
....(cotinued)to read a story with Lorne and no Sheppard.
I'll let you know if it still seems strange after I read it!!!


stella_pegasi December 4 2010, 20:43:03 UTC
Yeah...try writing a story without Sheppard...I had to remind myself, this is Lorne, he will react differently!

Can't wait to hear what you think, since you know my Sheppard better than just about anyone!


stella_pegasi December 4 2010, 20:41:32 UTC
Good to hear from you...I was about to email you and see how you were doing....

Hope you enjoy this!


gelbes_gilatier December 4 2010, 20:35:42 UTC
OMG, I love it! The whole setting and the world building is incredible and I love the idea that Evan and Laura have a backstory and I'm hoping very fervently we'll get a few more glimpses into it as the story progresses and how the plot will unfold. Also... a cover! YOu even have a cover for your story! *squees and flails

(and what is it with Lorne/Cadman AU bunnies producing only multi-chaptered stories?)


stella_pegasi December 4 2010, 20:51:17 UTC
OH...I'm so glad you like it. I was hoping that the Lorne fans wouldn't flail me for failing him. I love Lorne, I just like Sheppard better. I had fun writing this, as I told sherry57 I had to keep reminding myself this wasn't Sheppard.

I will finish this, I have to, it would drive me nuts if I didn't. I had fun with the world building and when I found this futuristic city background, the city description became easy...I want to live there! I always do a cover for every story I write...keeps me focused. I almost always to it first, or within the first chapter.

As for the multi-parters, this is a complicated couple...very strong personalities and focus that we've given them. I love Cadman, and Teldy. I have written more Teldy and don't know why I haven't written much Cadman...she's terrific.

I'll shut up now...you can see why my stories are long!!!

Thanks so much for letting me know you liked the story!


gelbes_gilatier December 4 2010, 21:42:42 UTC
I will finish this, I have to, it would drive me nuts if I didn't.

I'd probably drive you nuts as well if you didn't finish this ;)

I almost always to it first, or within the first chapter.

Kinda like me, only I have to find a song and a title before I can really get down to write...

As for the multi-parters, this is a complicated couple...very strong personalities and focus that we've given them.

*nods I get the feeling that there's more to their backstory than just "Well, uh, didn't work, let's be friends" and I love that very much. It's really great that you managed to convey the fact that they have a complicated backstory even in the first chapter (and I loved the "Not that he was counting" part ;)) and that there are still a lot of unresolved issues between them.

I love Cadman

And I loved it very much that she's part of a very badass elite unit, "because she's good" ;) (that was such a... Cadman thing to say :D) and that she doesn't let Lorne intimidate her.

I have written more Teldy

And I definitely have to read more ( ... )


stella_pegasi December 5 2010, 05:50:55 UTC
My Teldy is one badass Marine...and I also include Sgt. Mehta, even had the boy Marines afraid of her. I actually have had someone request that I write a story for her, she sent me a story prompt and I agreed to write it for her. I'm suppose to write it after the holidays, as well.

As for Colonel Lorne and Commander Cadman, I think they are going to have some issues to get through as this story progresses. I know where I want to take it, I just don't have time to do it. But I will...
Edited because it's too late and I can't type..


sgteam14283 December 5 2010, 03:50:02 UTC
loving this as well! can't wait for more! :D


stella_pegasi December 5 2010, 05:44:23 UTC
Glad you liked Part One...I promise, I'll work on this as soon as I finish the three secret santa stories I have to finish. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it.


sherry57 December 5 2010, 10:02:00 UTC
Congratulations on a very very good first chapter hon. I raise a glass of Christmas cheer to you for this begining to what looks to be a story full of intrigue, adventure and ......romance?

I started to read not convinced I would like it as much as it's not a Sheppard story but ....I love it!

So Lorne is joining the rebellion to help S’vey and General Comian of the Alliance to fight Memira and the Hargons. Adventure, whump and intrigue in chapters to come I hope!!!

I'm always fascinated by all the names authors come up with for their stories and in this story there is a lot of imagination in the names...they all sound just right.

So I'm really looking forward to more of this adventure. Thanks so much for sharing it hon.


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