Title: Old Days
stella_pegasiFandom: Stargate Atlantis/ NCIS Los Angeles
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Sam Hanna
Genre(s): Friendship
Spoilers: Enemy at the Gate
Warnings: Language
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: 3231
Disclaimer: I do not own them; I would have treated them better.
Summary:A chance meeting in a cool bar on a hot LA
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Comments 32
“Colonel, you OK, sir.” Lorne asked.
“Full-bird or light?”
“Full,” Sheppard replied.- Lovely!
Nice crossover of Atlantis and NCIS LA and I really liked the picture of Sheppard with Sam. Nice colours and atmosphere.
Thanks for this. (Was just thinking yesterday that I hadn't read a story of yours for a while - you must have been reading my mind!)
Right now, I need to get the last chapters of Remember Atlantis up on FF.net before I get killed. One reader has threatened me to come find me! Oh,well...
Thanks again, I really appreciate your comments, as always!!
Take care.
Not trying to self-promote here, but you might want to read my story 'Summoned', if your haven't. Its posted here and on ff.net.
I racked my brain for a crossover that made sense...I'm writing one (very slowly...too much other stuff in the way) for SGA/NCIS. Didn't want to do that...so Sam Hanna popped into my head. I thought what fun to write about two hunks!!!!
Thanks again...really appreciate your comment.
I've been wanting to read your fics before, but you see, up until now, I've been reading McShep pretty much exclusively. Every time I find a Sheppard-centric fic, I get distracted by pretty pictures of Joe and McShep matches and such. I'll try to be good and keep an open mind :) I expect to have a little more time to spend on my obsessions hobbies in the coming weeks and months. \o/ I can finally catch up on all the fics I missed out on in the past six weeks!
Can't wait for your next SGA/NCIS crossover, I'll read that for sure!
Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate it!!
Oh, the action scene at the end was great, especially with the pool sticks. That was a lot of fun :D
I loved using the cue sticks, all that Bantos training with Teyla finally paid off for John.
FYI...the Air Force does have a SO ground force that is similar to the Seals and Special Forces, called Special Tactics. They train at Hurlburt Field in FL. I realized that Sheppard was referred to as a SO pilot, but he had considerable ground tactical and armament training even in the series. So, since this is fanfic...I made him an STO, as well as an SO. Therefore, he could be better (and, course, our boy would be) than a Seal or an SF. Love fanfic, we can take a few liberties!
Thanks again, I really appreciate your comment.
I've given John many liberties in my own writing, it was just comparing him better to a Seal which made me pause. I know a lot about Special Forces, part of the Air Force, I had considered that once for John's background, but decided he couldn't have done that and be a pilot of the number of craft he's flown. BUT as you said, we all have all mini backgrounds for a guy the TPTB really mashed together and we can play a lot with it. Maybe John should use some of those moves on Ronon instead of letting the big guy beat him all the time ..lol
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I sort of look at O'Neill as growing into a father figure for Sheppard...I like writing them together and so this all kind of fell together.
As far as Shep being a full bird...it's what the show should have done with him! Darn those PTB!
Thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed the story!
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