Day 05 - 6 Worst villains

Feb 28, 2011 18:58

TV Shows : 10 days challenge

10 TV shows you like the most
09 characters you love
08 couples you ship
07 best episodes
→ 06 worst villains
05 best actors/actresses
04 gifs of your favorite show
03 screencaps you like
02 songs played that you can’t get tired of
01 quote that changed your life

Taken from heckyeahtumblrchallenges on Tumblr (obviously.)

Day 01 - 10 TV shows you like the most
→ Lie to me, The X Files, The Practice, House, V, Castle, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG1, The Big Bang Theory & Miranda.

Day 02 - 09 Characters you love
→ Lindsay Dole, The Practice
→ Dana Scully, The X Files
→ Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory
→ Erica Evans, V
→ Gregory House, House
→ Kate Beckett, Castle
→ Nathan Young, Misfits
→ Laura Roslin, Battlestar Galactica
→ Elizabeth Weir, Stargate : Atlantis

Day 03 - 08 Couples you /currently/ ship
→ Cal&Gillian, Lie to me
→ Mulder&Scully, The X Files
→ Castle&Beckett, Castle.
→ House&Cuddy, House
→ Sheldon&Penny, The Big Bang Theory
→ Jane&Lisbon, The Mentalist
→ Erica&Jack/Hobbes, V
→ Sam&Jack, Stargate : SG1

This one was hard! Also, I don't ship everyone the same... My ultimate OTP is Cal&Gillian, because they're just amazing together, but I also adore, ADORE, Mulder&Scully like crazy... But that's not the same story. I love Castle&Beckett as it is now, and wouldn't want to see the writter giving us too much too early and blow everything up! I really like their banter and their current relationship, plus the characters, undividually are just amazing.
House&Cuddy is a classic, although I didn't know what to think about them earlier in the season, I'm really starting to appreciate more and more together. That's amazing what the writters have come up with, and I'm really starting to wonder if they're even going to blow them appart. If so, they'll need a very good reason, because they're currently building something solid!
Sheldon&Penny is just AMAZING. They're the funniest together they've a really good chemistry. I don't ship them as a couple, but I think they would be great together, and I just like their scenes together better.
Jane&Lisbon : GAHH THESE TWO. Seriously. They're friends for now, but I would love to see some devellopement. We know they care deeply for each other, but we also know that as long as the Red John case isn't over, nothing will happen... and since it's the main plot of the show, I believe that's what it's called DOOMED. But they make my heart melt anyway.
Erica Evans is like one EPIC character. She's so amazingly well written, it's amazing! The whole show is really something! Something I've noticed in the fandom as in any other fandom, is the fact that people are shipping either Erica&Jack or Erica&Hobbes. I like both. I like her with Jack, because they care for each other so much, and they're so loyal and GAHHH!! And I like her with Hobbes, because they're HAWT together. We'll see what happens! :)
I'm currently rewatching Stargate : SG1 from Season 1, and oh the memories! Sam&Jack was the very first pairing I really shipped like crazy! They're so hot together! And it was my very first big disapointment ever! Made me love them like crazy and hate them like crazy! But then I blame it all on the writters who just didn't know how to equally deal with the science stuff and the relationships... on both shows.

Day 04 - 07 best episodes
→ No reason - S02E24 - House
→ The Peacekeeper Wars, mini series, Farscape
→ Sweet Sixteen, S02E15, Lie to me
→ Bad Blood - S05E12, The X files
→ Dreamland I & II - S06E04&05, The X Files
→ How the ghosts stole christmas - S06E06, The X Files
→ Monday - S06E14, The X Files

God, that was hard too! House-No Reason is my absolute favorite episode of the entire series. It's just brilliant. BRILLIANT. Farscape, for those who don't know that show, it's an australian science fiction show, a quite brilliant one! And very well done, with amazing acting! Anyway, It was really hard to choose amongst the whole 4 seasons, because I really LOVE every episode they made. Yes, that's how brilliant this show is. So I chose to pick the mini series that closed the whole thing, because it's just amazing! Lie to me-Sweet Sixteen, need I say more?! :p
Gahhh The X Files. This show, this goddamn brilliant show. Seriously, it was so hard to choose! I would have added the pilot episode, because I've a thing for pilots, that black&white episode, because the directing was OHMY BRILLIANT, and the whole story just hilarious, "Improbable" the most hilarious episode I've ever seen, with the most awkward music selection choice. EVER. And probably a douzen more, because that's how amazing this show is. But I kept it to 7. Almost ^^

Day 05 - 06 Worst Villains
→ Anna, V
→ Ba'al, Stargate SG1
→ Anubis, Stargate SG1
→ The Cylons, Battlestar Galactica
→ Miss Parker, The Pretender
→ Red John, The Mentalist

Okay I meant the Worst Villians, but the best of the worst. Because all these characters are totally awesome! Anna in V is the crasiest bitch ever created, she thinks she can put the human soul in a box and erase human emotions. Good luck with that. But she's just, whoa. Everything about her is just perfect, she's the perfect villain. Plus I love that she's played by Morena Baccarin, she's such a talented actress.
Ba'al and Anubis are my favorite from SG1, especially Ba'al, and all the word related jokes with his name! Plus the fact that he cloned himself like 216546841631 times so that noone would succeed killing the ~real one~.
The Cylons. People, if you haven't watched Battlestar Galactica, now is a good time. Because they are amazing. I have no words. Seriously. For those who don't know who the Cylons are, let's just say that, human started creating robots to ease their way of life, but they started creating more and more evolved robots, and they turned out one day with inteligence and decided to kill their master and take over the universe. Yeah I know, it sounds pretty boring, but watch this and change your mind :
I grew up watching The Pretender, I loved this show and Miss Parker was my favorite villain ever! Gosh I wanted her wardrobe when I was a kid! XD
Red John From the mentalist, I don't like him that much because seriously, he's a serial killer... but I like the fact that we still don't know anything about him, and that the can trick Jane when nobody can! Plus he has a smiley face as signature. That's creepy. I can't wait to know more about him though.

meme : tv meme

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