end of year fic meme

Jan 14, 2015 15:49

is it too late for this uh

nabbed from lovely tifaching <3

Total Word Count For The Year: ao3 + the three things i never posted there say 162,135, but that isn't totally correct, since a big chunk of that is from kin & keeper and a good chunk of THAT was actually written in 2013. i can't figure out when i started writing in january, though, so subtracting k&k completely says 55,847, which is pretty decent but definitely not my best. that's, like, barely more than a nanowrimo novel.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? less, for sure. my output has been decreasing steadily since 2012.

Where did you publish/archive your stories? lj and tumblr, and most ended up on ao3 too. i need to start publishing in all three places religiously.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2014? didn't think i'd wind up writing eve/cain ever (the book of brothers and sisters) but it was--fun! also never thought i'd even venture close to sons of anarchy fandom in terms of work, but i did (juan carlos has a dream).

What's your favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? i wanna say k&k because it's probably my fave thing i've ever written but again it didn't get WRITTEN this year, so i'll probably say hello, even though it was relatively popular. i dunno!! it was very nice to write, and the people i wrote it for loved it, which always warms my heart. i hope to expand on that particular au eventually if i can

Now, what's your most popular story? k&k had the most hits on ao3, followed by scratch (which has been a wip so long idek if it counts as being written in 2014)

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? i wrote a LOT more second-person things and played a lot more with plotless stories than i ever have before, and that was awesome. i learned that second-person longfic is actually plausible and people like it!!

From my past year of writing, what was...

Best story: i think my personal best was route 54 roadkill blues. i managed to do exactly what i set out to do, which is a win in my book always.

Most under-appreciated by the universe: apart from k&k, i'd say mouth. i loved it, and i thought it worked super-well as an experimental piece, but as with most experimental pieces it went virtually untouched. the whole unrequited-love thing probably turned people off as well........

Most fun: your children will come at you with knives, hands down. five days of writing, awesome beta experiences, and a really nice reception.

Most disappointing: i think i managed to avoid hating anything i wrote this last year. yay!

Story that could have been better: prairie weather, for spn_summergen. i really think i could have worked with it a bit more and made it more exciting, but. hindsight is 20/20

Story that changed your own perception of the characters: none tbh

Most sexy: ycwcywk, for obvious wincest-y reasons. found kinks in that thing that i never knew i had [cough //spitting// cough]

Story with the sweetest moment: hello, when dean finally makes contact with sam <3

Story that made you cry k&k, all through the last four chapters, without stopping.

Hardest to write:  prairie weather. i have such a hard time with prompts :(

Easiest to write:  ycwcywk, because pure filth apparently comes easily to me, and i'm not sure what that says about me

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:  ......ycwcywk. IT COULD HAVE BEEN WRONG-ER.

Most eyeroll-worthy title:  i actually did pretty well with titles this year!! go me!!

Most unintentionally telling: i'm scared to go here

Most overdue; none!!! i managed to meet every deadline!!!!

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: seemed to be, just like every year, loss/death/grief. i fridged a ton of people this year. hello was probably the most obvious.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? do at least TWO big bangs to keep me sane. make a bingo on my experimental card. write more short stuff!!

writing tag, meme post

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