Morning, Snoutman

Sep 08, 2008 23:34

Day: 4
Characters: Antubis (antsolute), Paul (andgettingworse)
Summary: A tearful reunion with reversed roles.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: DAY / Early morning
Status: Closed for patients, Open for staff (can't prevent them from coming in), Ongoing

It was not even time for the patients to wake up yet, but as always, Paul couldn't hold back. These might have been his first days at this funny little institution, and there was a lot to still get used to - such as the fact that somehow, they had managed to stuff him right back into his rotting body, for whatever reason, or that he was now working officially as a doctor's assistant again, in a place he had never seen before but felt comfortably at home at - but this was too good to waste his time on anything else. So he was here - that shitty anteater really was here, as a patient, as a test subject. Now that was a way to start a working day. He had grinned like an idiot when he had heard the news, had only listened half-heartedly to the instructions given to him - don't use your powers unless absolutely necessary, work for us, don't mess up or you'll be sorry, the usual. He couldn't care less at the moment. Snoutman was in his reach, under his control whenever he wanted, and he was free to do what he wanted as long as there were no "accidents". With this outlook, he almost didn't want to leave again after his work was done. Old Kingdom and Kingdom Hospital, the fun with the living and the dead, new places were still exciting, and this was a change.

He was as silent as he could be - really, he wasn't used to having a body anymore, not after over sixty years - when he entered the cell and locked the door behind him. And when he turned, there he was, lying in this pathetic bed, sleeping - and weirdly, the sight of his own sleeping face was not half as disturbing as it should have been. There was a mad, slowly brightening flare in his gaze when he drew closer silently, absorbing the sight of his old rival and the excited feeling of sneaking up on a caged monster, his lips pressed together and arched into a tense, barely controlled smirk. This was too much fun.

He stood at the head of the bed for long moments, staring down with predatory glee, before he lifted his hand over Antubis' chest. He had to work on his aim a bit, their last encounter had proven that, but at this distance, not even he could miss. He forced the tense excitement out of his face for the moment, savouring those little seconds of a peace that was about to die, and then let a flash of electricity shoot from his fingers at the sleeping form.

He barely held back a laughter when he greeted what could be his identical twin with this awful sneer that seemed to always linger in his voice. "Morning, snoutman."

#place: patient block: cells, † antubis, † paul morlock

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