Oh MAN. I'm so sorry dear. :( I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. And I"m sorry that your job isn't so hot right now either. Sometimes any job can just get like that after a while, you know? You just get burnt out and can't enjoy it as much. But yeah, with what you're saying it sounds like you don't like what you're doing...and that probably wouldn't change regardless if it's not what you want in life you know?
Things will all work themselves out. The best you can do for yourself is to try not to worry and to just let time take it's course. I know you'll end up with a career you like, and when you figure out what that is, you'll get the required education.
Feel better dear, and sorry I missed your call. I'll try to talk to you tomorrow night. :)
Thanks sweetie, talking to you always makes me feel better about stuff. I'm actually going into work today for an hour or 2 (we have the day off for pres. day, but I can make some phone calls today that just might make my life infinitely easier this week, so I'm going to try to do that), and hopefully I can just get this one boss off my back. It's not just me, she's awful to everyone, but I'm just getting so frustrated that I'm not saving the world right now...:-p.
Looking forward to chatting with you dear, and enjoying my new desktop background! :-D
Hey Jen its been a while, wanted to see how you've been. Hope things have gotten a little better since this last entry. Sounds like it hasnt been an easy time for ya lately to say the least and im sorry to hear it. But whatever happends try and keep up the confidance. You're a great gal and no matter how bad things might get, you'll get through it somehow. You've young and youve got plenty of time to figure out where to go next and move on from this crappy job. So just believe in yourself and keep trying and never give up. I guess that's the best advice I can offer, heh I hope it helps. Hopefully i'll see you on AIM soon and we can catch up. ttyl!
Hey yourself! Sorry it's been a while..it's just that I'm on the computer so much at work that by the time I get home, I don't even want to look at it. 24 is KILLING me, man! Now I lost Tony too??! *sniff sniff* Ah well, hopefully I will make it online at some point and we can chat about it. Thanks for the kind words, and I hope all is well with you too! Take it easy!
Comments 6
Things will all work themselves out. The best you can do for yourself is to try not to worry and to just let time take it's course. I know you'll end up with a career you like, and when you figure out what that is, you'll get the required education.
Feel better dear, and sorry I missed your call. I'll try to talk to you tomorrow night. :)
Looking forward to chatting with you dear, and enjoying my new desktop background! :-D
Hope youre feeling better. Love you.
And why didn't you just log in?
Thanks for the well wishes; I'm just congested and sniffly now. Hopefully that will be gone in the next couple of days.
Brian H
Ah well, hopefully I will make it online at some point and we can chat about it. Thanks for the kind words, and I hope all is well with you too! Take it easy!
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