Atlantis fic: The Place Before Home

Jan 23, 2015 23:55

Title: The Place Before Home

Fandom: Atlantis

Word count: 3,700

Characters: Jason/Pythagoras, Hercules/Medusa

Rating: PG-13

Trope Bingo: Animal Transformation

AN: This is the companion piece, or more precisely the wraparound story, to a Primeval/Atlantis story I will one day finish. It should hopefully stand alone and work within canon. Thanks to fififolle for ( Read more... )

trope bingo, atlantis, hercules/medusa, jason/pythagoras, fic

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Comments 5

deinonychus_1 January 24 2015, 10:19:56 UTC
Oh, that was lovely! And sad and kind of heartbreaking as well, but lovely.

Hercules met his gaze, his expression for once wholly open and vulnerable. “Yes. Yes, I do. Just like you have to make shirts. I joke. You do things. It’s how we get by.”

Oh, *boys*! This! This is so true, and it hurt, but it was just right for both of them. Poor boys.

Pythagoras' train of thought is adorable and so many touches of humour (mostly inadvertent on his part), bless him.

Thank you! And such good timing - this was just what I needed to cheer me up after the news about the show. :-(


stealingpennies January 24 2015, 10:33:38 UTC

The show did deserve a third season to build on - as it is, I'm hoping for some good final episodes and at least a jumping off point for fic. *hugs* It's awful when you fall hard for a show/character and the ground is kicked from underneath you.

I suppose it's possible that, not being a BBC show, the series could be picked up elsewhere.


deinonychus_1 January 24 2015, 11:08:07 UTC
I really just hope it has a proper ending, and that they haven't left series two with loads and loads of unresolved plot arcs.

I suppose in some ways all the rumours that have been flying around for the last few weeks were good in the sense that the news wasn't a *complete* shock. At the moment I'm handling it quite well, although that may just be because I'm too busy panicking about my Atlantis small fandom bang fic, which has a deadline of next Saturday and I'm nowhere near finished! *flails*


fififolle January 24 2015, 11:32:02 UTC
Mmmm, lovely. Brilliant writing.
And leaves the way open for more exciting adventures *g* Which we will need now *sobs*


stealingpennies January 24 2015, 11:59:47 UTC

Hee at your icon! (Always, Fifi, with the appropriate icon!)

Thanks again for all your help - I hope the ending is ambiguous enough to cope with most eventualities. *shakes fist at tptb* Fluff and smut is clearly the answer.


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