Primeval fic: Love Tokens

Aug 19, 2014 18:50

Title: Love Tokens

Word count: 100
Rating: Universal
Characters: Becker/Connor

Written for P100 challenge 380: GPS

AN: Hyphens are our friends.


Connor leaned back on his elbows and admired Becker as he stood thigh-deep in the waters of the Tay and reeled in a huge fish.

“Salmon swim hundreds of miles to return to their hatching grounds to spawn,” he remarked. “That’s kind of romantic, isn’t it?”

Becker raised a brow. “More romantic than me catching dinner?”

“Nah, you win,” said Connor, deciding not to mention the possibility of finding a deep-fat fryer and batter.

Becker smiled. He waded towards the bank with his prize. “If I hit it on the head do you think you could gut it for us?”


becker/connor, primeval, drabble

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