Primeval fic: Tactical Manoeuvres

Dec 03, 2013 17:19

Title: Tactical manoeuvres

Word count: 100
Rating: Gen
Characters: Abby, Connor, Lester, Danny, Becker
Written for P100 challenge 343: Exit strategy

AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés, bad history and assorted unlikely shenanigans. Becker and Connor have agreed to spend some time apart. Continues from here.


It had taken six hours but the engine was working again. Connor was covered in dirt and grease but triumphant. Mr Quinn grabbed him in an impulsive hug. Abby did likewise. Lester looked pleased but fended off any contact between his ward and his suit.

Connor pushed back his hair. “I should probably go and wash.”

“Definitely,” said a new voice.

Connor spun round.

“You’re early,” he said accusingly. “It’s not yet a month.”

Becker smiled, unrepentant. He took Connor’s filthy hands in his own. “I know. It’s a military thing, take the target unaware and thwart their exit strategy.”


becker/connor, primeval, regency au, drabble

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