Atlantis fic: Grey in the Dark

Oct 19, 2013 19:29

Title: Grey in the Dark

Fandom: Atlantis

Word count: 2,700

Characters: Jason/Pythagoras, Hercules

Rating: R (sex, pissing)

Trope Bingo: Begs & wagers

This is on the A03 - posting here for completeness.

This completes a Trope Bingo line! YaY!

“What’s stopping you making a move?” asked Hercules, milder now, and in a spirit of genuine concern. “The worst that can happen is that he says ‘no’. And then you both know where you are and you can move on.” )

trope bingo, atlantis, fic

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Comments 14

deinonychus_1 October 19 2013, 23:08:31 UTC
You might want to cross post this to bbc_atlantis, which appears to be the only active Atlantis comm on lj.

Also, make it better!!!!!! You can't leave poor Pythagoras like that!!!!


stealingpennies October 20 2013, 21:33:14 UTC

Hee! Look at poor unlucky-in-love Pythagoras - has to concentrate on the numbers, poor baby. But, but, but I do see it's your birthday coming up. Would you like a happy Atlantis thingee? Or some other pairing/fandom of your choice? Just throw in a prompt.

(Thanks for the comm heads up. LJ is letting me comment but has been a fiend for trying to post actual entries atm.)


deinonychus_1 October 20 2013, 22:10:29 UTC
Ooh, thank you!

I'd love an Atlantis fic, please (with a happy ending this time, lol!).

Jason/Pythagoras. Prompt - How about shirtless Pythagoras? We get shirtless Jason practically every episode, I think it's time Pythagoras took some clothes off! Doesn't have to be smut, could be for something domestic like laundry day, or some hurt/comfort type reason, whatever :-)

Does that sound okay?


stealingpennies October 20 2013, 22:41:05 UTC

'practically every episode'
Well, it's true that we haven't yet seen every ep but he's scoring one for one atm! I'm sure I can get Pythagoras as least a bit naked...


nietie October 20 2013, 10:22:26 UTC
So bittersweet. Gorgeous.


stealingpennies October 20 2013, 21:41:13 UTC

LOL at your Jason icon! A rare shot with his shirt on!! They are a fun trio to write. Poor Pythagoras. I'm sure Jason will catch a clue eventually.


deinonychus_1 May 3 2014, 14:32:10 UTC
Waaaaaaaaahhhh!!! *cuddles Pythagoras* I still can't believe you wrote such a lovely snuggly gorgeous fic, and then gave it that horrible nasty ending! It still hurts, even on subsequent readings!

(I've been having mad cravings for Atlantis fic, and dammit no one is writing any! So I'm pootling through the archive on AO3 and re-reading stuff).


stealingpennies May 4 2014, 09:30:14 UTC

LOL at Little Miss Maim and Kill. Any excuse to cuddle Pythagoras - you really should thank me!!

But, yeah, totally know that feeling of really wanting something (new) to read and there being nothing out there. And it's definitely wanting to fall into a story rather than write it yourself. Fwiw, I do intend to write Atlantis again. The characters are just too pretty interesting to ignore. Oddly enough, I was milling around the Ashmolean in Oxford yesterday when the perfect title for an Atlantic fic just popped into my head. Will dig out the Trope Bingo Card again.


deinonychus_1 May 4 2014, 09:49:58 UTC
Any excuse to cuddle Pythagoras

Definitely! And having met Robert at the Wales Comic Con last weekend, I can confirm he is indeed cuddly (if distressingly skinny! Really, he needs more pies in his diet, being *that thin* can't be healthy!). :-)

Ooh, yey for more Atlantis fic from you. Despite the obvious pretty of Jason/Py, I've spent the last few days having a massive craving for Hercules/Pythagoras fic. Unfortunately, there only appears to be three H/P fics in the entire fandom. I think the fic writers on AO3 are just all about the pretty, and not that interested in anything that isn't J/P fluff or smut. :-(

So, of course, the inevitable has happened, and I've started writing H/P myself.

I think in many ways we're spoiled in Primeval fandom, because there are so many varieties of pairings and characters that get written about by so many people. It makes it even more noticeable when you then get involved in fandoms that are completely dominated by one pairing, practically to the exclusion of any other possibilities. :-(


stealingpennies May 4 2014, 10:11:48 UTC

*g* He didn't look that thin in pics but I gather that you and Fifi would be in a position to know more! Pies it is. They all looked lovely scrubbed up and very comfortable together. I'm so pleased they didn't go the wig route for Pythagoras.

Fandom does like its pretty. It's probably the one downside to the A03 that if you're not writing the 'popular' pairing then you won't get read/kudos and that discourages writers from branching out. :(
To be honest it's difficult to know what to do with Jason besides fluff and smut - the writers have stubbornly ignored all the really interesting backstory he comes with. Herc and Pythagoras have much more depth.


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