Primeval fic: Tell no tales

Jul 30, 2013 17:29

Title: Tell no tales

Word count: 100
Rating: Gen
Characters: Jenny Lewis, Tom Ryan
P100 challenge 325: Unanswered Questions

AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés and unlikely shenanigans. Continues from here. Becker and Lester have finally figured out where Connor is heading and are hot on the trail. Connor has had a violent encounter with Leek. Introducing two new characters and a small mystery.


Jenny Lewis had been a widow for two years. She missed her husband but it would be a lie to say she did not enjoy the freedom that widowhood bought. She was mistress of a large house and several hundred acres of land.

She rode across her fields now accompanied by her estate manager, Captain Ryan.

“What’s that over there by the bushes?” Jenny asked pulling up her horse.

Ryan dismounted and walked over to the thickly brambled hedgerow.

“It’s a body,” he called, crouching down. “Not long dead from the looks of him.”

“Him?” she queried.

“It’s a man.”


jenny, ryan, primeval, regency au, drabble

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