Primeval fic: No Contest

Jul 01, 2013 13:01

Title: No Contest

Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Lester, Jess
P100 challenge 321: High Noon

AN: Quick lunchtime drabble. Tip of the hat to Clea2011 for the idea

“I didn’t catch that,” said Jess.

“Sorry,” gritted Lester. “Your attire is perfectly suitable for the office environment.”

“And?” He was not getting off that easily.

“Your shoes are amazing.”

“They are,” she agreed, lifting one foot for inspection. Today’s beauties featured red spots and blue bows. Really, Lester should be appreciative considering some of his ties. And as for those braces…

“Jess,” Lester’s voice interrupted her musings. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Since you’ve apologised.” She pressed a button and Lester’s email folder reappeared. It had been a long three days but she was sure he had learned his lesson.

lester, primeval, jess, drabble

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