Merlin fic: Three Words (M/A NC-17) 1/1

May 15, 2009 20:41

Crack porn, like popcorn but with fewer calories...

This is easily the porniest porn that I've ever written but the smut is struggling hard against the snark and romance. Mild kink warning. 1,000 words.


So there was a fight and a monster and a great deal of shouting, blood-spillage and general chaos before Arthur had (finally) been knocked unconscious and Merlin had been able to save the day with magic. In other words, pretty much business as usual, followed by some intense, and entirely satisfactory, back-from-the-near-dead sex.

“What exactly are you doing?” asked Merlin, head lolling back sleepily against his pillow as Arthur rolled from his front to his side and rustled around in a manner that sounded suspiciously like he was preparing to get up.  They’d left the bed curtains open. Through the windows the pale pink light of dawn was only just breaking.

“Getting ready to inspect the knights,” answered Arthur in a tone that made it clear that this should have been obvious - even to idiot manservants. “We need more training drills if we’re not to be caught out again.”

“Tentacles, flaming horror, injuries, fainting,” said Merlin, succinctly, adding, “Which part about resting and healing did you not understand? Those wounds aren’t going to just magic themselves away.”

Well, they already had a bit, but Arthur didn’t know that and the lesions on his back were still deep enough to be painful.  Arthur’s eyes narrowed.

“Apparently the same part you didn’t if last night is anything to go by. Plus, there may have been a brief period where I shut my eyes but I most certainly did not faint,” he said and made a sudden grab for the sheets. Merlin yelped as the cool air hit his skin. Arthur gave a triumphant grin. “Get up and fetch me some breakfast. You really are the world’s worst servant.”

“That’s not what you said yesterday,” said Merlin, sulkily. “Quite the opposite, in fact. Amazing. Anything. Deeper. Always. Shall I go on?”

Arthur blushed. He always denied any descent into sappiness. Merlin sensed his advantage.

“One more time,” he begged. He ran his hands up Arthur’s chest, laying his palms against the nipples and rubbing them in a circular motion. “I’ll do all the work!”

“That would certainly be a first,” said Arthur. He shivered under Merlin’s touch and visibly wavered. “God, you are insatiable.”

“Not to mention irresistible,” answered Merlin.

Predictably Arthur responded by attempting to shut Merlin up. He pulled Merlin in for a deep kiss, lips pressing together and tongues meeting messily. Merlin allowed him control for a bit then pushed upwards and twisted so that Arthur was under rather than over his mouth.

“Pushy,” said Arthur, breaking off breathlessly. A glance down showed his cock hard against his stomach. Merlin reached down and swirled his thumb over the moisture gathered at the tip. His own cock throbbed with the need to be touched.

Holding Arthur’s gaze Merlin raised his thumb to his lips and licked it clean before speaking, “I thought you wanted me to do all the work.”

Arthur dipped his eyes, for a moment uncertain. “You’re always telling me it’s not good for me to get everything I want.”

Merlin paused in his exploration of Arthur’s shoulder with his mouth. “True. But then you’re always telling me hard work and exercise would do me good.”

“So they would.” Arthur smoothed his hands along Merlin’s sides coming to rest on the planes of his hips before letting go. He lay back against the pillows, careful while trying not to seem careful, and waved a languid hand. “Start working.”

Merlin drew a breath and thought of the things he would like to say and how really they had nothing to do at all with the words that were actually coming out of his mouth.

“Not like that,” said Merlin.

Arthur raised an eyebrow, but allowed himself to be arranged on his hands and knees. In this position yesterday’s injuries were fully exposed and Merlin had to pause a moment as he thought how easily he could have lost Arthur.

The first two fingers slid in easily, Arthur still slick from last night. Merlin moved his fingers trying to find the place and pace that would drive Arthur wild. His own cock lay hard against Arthur’s thigh and he couldn’t help rubbing a little as he moved.

“Now!” demanded Arthur.

“Soon. Just let me...” said Merlin continuing in his stroking.  He used his free hand to grope around the messed up bed until he found what he was looking for. Aha! He pulled out and liberally coated his fingers with salve automatically shushing Arthur’s moan of protest.

Then he resumed stroking with three fingers flexing as he did so. Arthur bucked with shock when he added the fourth finger. Merlin lay against his back, damp with sweat and trembling. “Is it too much?” he whispered in Arthur’s ear. “Tell me if it’s too much.”

“Oh fuck…you...”

Arthur stuttered into something unintelligible and dropped his head. Merlin ran his hand over the shaking flanks soothing. Then he pulled out, closed his fingers around his thumb and pushed back in.

The sensation of tight, wet heat was overwhelming. Arthur was reduced to short, shallow pants and tremors running across his whole body. Merlin shut his eyes, the feeling of possession incredible. This, here, now. Arthur. This was what he lived for.

Merlin moved his hand forward in the slightest of motions. Arthur made a strangled noise. Merlin moved back and forth incrementally a couple more times. Then he reached around Arthur and wrapped his fingers lightly around his cock. Arthur gave a sob and spurted against Merlin’s hand his whole body clenching once, twice, three times. Then he passed out.

Merlin’s hand slipped out as Arthur collapsed. He grabbed his own cock with slickened fingers and stroked it roughly needing only three or four pulls before he came. Then he too collapsed on the bed.

Sleep called. Merlin pressed against Arthur, holding him close, pushing back the golden hair and allowing himself to say out loud the words he had been thinking all along. Three words. Arthur muttered something but did not wake up.

merlin, fic, merlin/arthur

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