This post is actually one of the more crucial functions of this comm, so please make sure you read it in its entirety, especially if you don't normally use a beta.
In this week's discussion post, some of you expressed apprehension or concern because you don't regularly use a beta-reader when you post your fic. This is totally understandable, and I'mma let you finish (just kidding) but really, I want to spend a minute explaining why betas are important, especially to a Big Bang.
Basically what it boils down to is that no one's perfect. I think we can all agree that if you've just spent three months on this huge fic, you don't want anyone to stop reading it halfway through for any reason. So a beta reader is sort of a filter-- to keep those little errors from getting out to the general public, to point out that you said Uhura was wearing jeans three paragraphs before you say she's wearing a dress, to remind you that you told us why Winona hates broccoli in the first section so you don't need to do it again here. Additionally, I think everyone's had the experience of reaching a point in a fic where the characters or the plot just won't cooperate, and you want to tear your hair out or get drunk or cry or all of the above. So your beta is meant to be a resource for you when you're hair-tearing/drunk/crying/etc. I approach it from a standpoint of them being a test run for your target audience; they're going to read the fic and point out all the places it could be better, faster, stronger. And, something that ties into the first point as well, oftentimes you get so deeply involved in a big project that you can't extricate yourself from your perceptions or expectations of what you're writing to look critically at it on your own. So a beta exists to be that extra set of eyes, to say "I know you want this scene to convey this, but it needs to be more _____ if it's going to achieve that." or "What this really needs is an extra scene here in which ______ happens."
And you may be saying to yourself, what's to say my beta knows what the hell they're talking about? What if they give me bad advice? That's the main reason why I usually use two betas for everything I write; if they each say the same things it's probably not a coincidence, and I know I've got to work on what they've said. If they have conflicting opinions then I get to ponder both and then choose what I want to do. XD Overall it's undeniably helpful-- and matching Big Bang writers up with betas who are also writing Big Bangs, or who've done so in the past, kind of ensures they know how to be constructive with their criticisms because they understand what a huge undertaking this is, and how downright scary it can be! But just think of it as, you're going to be inviting at minimum another 250 people to read your fic once it's done and posted; letting one or two people read it first, to make sure that what the 250 people see is the best finished product it can possibly be, is way less scary, right? :)
Basically, betas are amazing, I never would've finished last year's Big Bang (or half the other fics I've written) without mine. You who beta our fics; we salute you, for you are awesome. :D And if you're considering signing up to beta but aren't sure, I have to say that betaing a Big Bang last year was extremely rewarding. It also gave me something to do when I was despairing over my own fic, a task that kept me in the fandom mindset while completely forcing me to put aside my own troubles. Plus then I got a sneak peek at a super awesome fic, which is never a bad thing. ;D
Okay, my spiel is over and I hope it was helpful. If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, click the 'previous entry' button and let me know that beta readers should be one of our weekly discussion topics in the weeks to come. But for now, let the epic beta matchup of 2010 begin!
If you are an AUTHOR in need of a beta, please c/p the following into a comment with "AUTHOR" as the comment title :
Name :Canon : are you writing TOS, Reboot, TNG, etc?
Genre / Rating of your fic : Expected Pairings : what ships might you include?
What You Want Most in a Beta : grammar, cohesion, characterization, overall polish, etc.
Anything Else : anything you think your beta should know.
If you are a BETA offering your services, please c/p the following into a comment with "BETA" as the comment title :
Name :Canons You'll Beta :Genres / Pairings You'll Beta :Genres / Pairings / Ratings You Absolutely Won't Beta :Number of Fics You Can Beta :Anything Else : what's your forte as a reader/editor, anything else you think your author should know, etc.
So feel free to comment to each other's entries, see if you think you've found a good match for a beta. Take it to PMs if you want, or just chat here, however you like. This post will remain open for the entirety of the fest; there's no "lateness" here, so take your time with it. Don't feel like you have to make a decision now, feel free to wait until you've got a chunk of your fic written, or whatever works for you. We'll link back to this post in pretty much every weekly discussion from here on out, too, or you can just search under the 'beta' tag.
If you have any questions or issues with this process, please drop a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP.
♥ emily