Jan 19, 2011 20:44

Life, that's all I have to say. My apologies again for disappearing, but this is an update to show that I have not forgotten you all!!!

Sooooo... How is everyone? What's been up?

Let's make this an rebirthing thread!!!! :D

Miss you all!

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Comments 2

skellagirl January 20 2011, 05:33:36 UTC
I hope this is a rebirthing thread, but I fear the worst for this little corner of the fandom. :C


oddlymarch February 17 2011, 01:55:42 UTC
I haven't forgotten this place either, though it seems like it. 2010-2011 has been crazy for me. (I'm willing to tell you later Nico) but yes, I am still alive and maybe a little wiser and even paranoid. It's been a long story.

Enough about me. I hope everyone is okay here.


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