::I come back and there is nothing on TV::

Jul 17, 2012 21:33

What is happening to jdoramas? Why is there nothing to watch for the second or third season in a row?

Stasya: ok, I'll try to watch Mirai Nikki and Papadol! At least, the first one sounds interesting! It's like Hunger Games+Death Note, how in the world can you spoil that? The second might be interesting.
Stasya *after watching Papadol! 1 ( Read more... )

life, japan

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Comments 2

anie_chan July 18 2012, 08:51:36 UTC
I think Japanese TV shows whatpeople want to see.
But I still am sad that there's nothing interesting for you. Poor bb


stasya_lj July 18 2012, 18:47:49 UTC
well, obviously, they film these dramas cause genre is popular, but still! the quality of dramas has fallen drastically and I'm so not the only one saying so.
also, before there were at least 2-3 really interesting dramas to watch and now *sigh*


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