Greetings Space Cetaceans!
With t-minus 5 days and counting before the Series 6 premier, it is time once again for the all-important phase of the preparation process known as BINGO CARDS AND DRINKING GAMES*
Participating is easy!
1. Download
this blank BINGO card2. Fill it in with various likely and unlikely scenarios and dialogue for The Impossible Astronaut Part 1.
3. Post your card here for the use and enjoyment of all.
4. ????
5. Profit!
I have been keeping myself as pure as driven snow from spoilers, so I assure you that any eventual correspondence between this BINGO card and what actually happens is purely coincidental (well, and a result of many arduous years of Advanced Doctor Who Studies). I think it's a winner, though!
*This post urges you to drink responsibly.