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Title: Zucchini, Tomatoes and Corn, Oh My!
Summary: Blair becomes embroiled in a tasty enthusiasm.
Style: Gen
Size: 7,380 words, about 13
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Comments 3
This was another story for sentinelsecrets; the prompt was Celebration of life. A party. Why would they have a party? Blair finally defends his dissertation? It's someone's B'day? It's a holiday? Anniversary?
Sounds like it's right up my alley, doesn't it? But that's the problem. I've written a number of 'celebratory' stories -- four Christmas stories, a wedding story, an anniversary story, a 'best captain' presentation for Simon, and even a Halloween story. What was left?
I have no idea where the garden idea came from, because I don't have, and have never had, a garden. I like the idea of gardening -- being outside, watching those plants grow -- but I know I lack the stick-to-itivity needed. Besides, as a single person, if I was successful, I couldn't eat it all, and I'm not about to tie myself to a hot stove to can and/or preserve the surplus. Not only that, I actively dislike most vegetables -- you couldn't pay me enough to make me eat a tomato. But my brother had a garden one year -- I remember him shaving Ivory soap to ( ... )
Otherwise, it was a wonderful story; and, for a non-gardener, you got most of the gardening stuff right.
All those references to pork?
Oy vey! Is my face red. OTOH --
Blair is hardly 'frum', but he does keep that much of kosher. Remember "The Real Deal", when Vince Deal asked if they had porkchops and Blair said, sarcastically, "In this house? Right next to the whale meat!"
Vince: (looking into fridge) Got any pork chops?
Jim: Yeah, sure, Vince.
Blair: Yeah, right next to the whale meat.
Jim: (to Blair) Pork chops?
-- with Jim expressing surprise that Vince expected pork chops, I always took it as generalized surprise that Vince was suggesting pork chops for breakfast. It's amazing the various connotations different people can bring to the same scene.
In my defense, I've seen other writers referring to Blair eating ham or pork -- I read one the day after you posted your comment. But, you're right -- it seems like I defaulted to pork every time I needed a meat dish. I'll go back and see if I can change some of those. (I need to check with my more food-oriented friend about what goes with what.)
( ... )
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