Title - The Nature of Love
Author - Sealgirl in
seal_girlFandom - Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy)
Prompt - “O/Q; Want is not enough to break a Jedi’s will”
Word Count - 1020
Rating - G
Summary - Obi-Wan’s thoughts during the battle with Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace.
A/N - Written for the
starwarsficfest 3rd July 2008.
The Nature of Love )
Comments 24
I like the way you wrote their closeness and also hinted at the deeper feelings they might have for each other.
*replies, eventually, for fish*
Oooo nice. I'd actually never thought about that before, how frightfully inadequate Obi-Wan must have felt in that moment just knowing he was still a Padawan.
Guh, sad! How in-character for Obi-Wan to realize he wouldn't save Qui-Gon and struggle to accept that, rather than rage against it.
Good job!
And I love Obi's expression in your icon :)
*replies, eventually, for fish*
Thanks for the comment - not only was it a defining moment for the film, but in the Star Wars universe too. With Qui-Gon dead, it The Chosen One became Obi-Wan's responsibility. Scary!
Glad you enjoyed it!
*replies, eventually, for fish*
Great job.
*replies, eventually, for fish*
Well, like I said to one of the most famous SW fic writers here on LJ, truly talented writers never try and use too many difficult words or even jargon to confuse readers ... and like the fic writer mentioned just now, I think you're also a talented one. :)
Arigatoh for sharing a wonderful SW fic, again ! :D
Inside Obi's head is a strange place to be - but he is good fun to write even in the most difficult of circumstances, as he is a very honourable and loyal man, not just to his friends, but to the Force too.
Glad you enjoyed it.
*replies, eventually, for fish*
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