Nov 06, 2007 16:52

I'm completely obsessed with Star wars. My mother made me a Padme costume from Episode 2 for Halloween 2006. I've misplaced the pictures, but I'll post them as soon as I find them. For prom 2007, I had my Aunt Christina make me Padme's dress from Episode 3. She made it in 3 days! I absolutely love it. A few years ago, I made a "Sith Happens" shirt and my wife wore it & made me happy. Also, my dog looks like an Ewok and we always put a little hat on him and call him Wicket. Two Saturdays ago, I got Darth Vader and R2D2 tattooed on my wrist. They're the comic strip version from iharthdarth.

The maker!

My step-father and I.

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