Thrust is sitting at his desk, his head in one hand* I am a fool. A complete, utter, unmistakable idiot. I had everything absolutely perfect, Starscream was even impressed, and to get Starscream is to be three-quarters of the way there. I had the entire situation in hand.
And then I ruined it.*his fingers spread, revealing his guns, his own
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*After half a moment of not knowing what to say, he simply holds the datapad out mutely and trusts Dreadmoon will know what it means*
*when Thrust just stands there, Dreadmoon blinks, not entirely sure whether to be irritated at the obvious hesitation or- Smug? No, not smug. Not satisfied either, odly. In fact the deviation from Thrust's normal smooth eloquence is...somewhat jarring, however disappointed Dreadmoon had been with him and however the conehead thinks he may react. This is faintly unnerving.
Dreadmoon swiftly decides he doesn't want to linger on that right now. He looks at the datapad, back at Thrust, then to the pad again and takes it delicately from his fingers to look it over. He glances quickly back at Thrust, pleased surprise colouring his voice before he can stop it* You sold the artwork.
Yes. Sixteen thousand cubes worth. I might be able to get more at a later point; he seems particularly interesting in information. *he inspects Dreadmoon's face to see what his opinion is of the matter. Disparaging at the puny amount, most likely, but he might have won a little respect back for the gesture*
*is staring at the datapad as if he's never seen one before - or as if he's seeing past it, as visions of shattered towers and fountains dance in his head and a distant part of his processor is doing calculations like fury. Most of his capacity, though, is taken up by staring at the pad. His optics are a little brighter, a little wider, his face less tired than before, but he doesn't move or say anything aloud.
Starscream, though, can feel a flicker of - hope, and even excitement over the link, however much it looks as though the Monitor has turned into stone*
*his voice just about as calm and smooth as usual* What kind of information? *if there's one thing Monitors can trade in...* I may just be able to oblige him. *a hint, the tiniest hint of a smile. Thrust may make awesome mistakes, but he certainly knows how to try and amend them*
I gave him one of the datapads I have on this universe, *Skyfire's, but he's not saying that* with a few additions from my own experiences. It was only a general historical and geographical overview, however, and more details might interest him. *he flicks a glance at Starscream for clues*
*the seeker grins inscrutably and shakes his head* Well...if that's all he wants, there's plenty of details we can wring out of this place. *optics flicker to Dreadmoon and he grins wider* We'll have enough energon to repopulate Cybertron, not only Kalis.
((*clings* Yes, of course, my love. I shall see you anon. *blows kiss*))
((And what happens when I say that? The power goes pthut! *rails* Primus Someone doesn't like me. X) *snugglesnuggles*))
If there's any particular area of information he'd consider worth purchasing, I'm sure we can come up with something appropriate. *querying look* *moves to stand and step away from the chair, rather more stiffly than usual. He hadn't been exaggerating, it was a busy shift for him*
*a cable snaps into his gauntlet and the Monitor looks up to the screens overhead, half-concentrating on the information flashing over them but his attention mostly on Thrust* I'm afraid the distant histories never were my strong point.
*he glances sidelong at Dreadmoon. Perhaps he's given a greater gift than he thought* I am simply glad to have been of service. *and he wonders why that faint smile is giving him such a morale boost*
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