"... I'm going to be haunted by spider ghosts, aren't I."

Nov 05, 2007 01:00


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Comments 27

aku_neko_sama November 5 2007, 08:40:15 UTC
Um, basically all I can do to not completely stress out and die sometimes is remind myself that if it gets too horrible I can always quit and start anew later and there won't be major issues like in high school.. but that's prolly not too helpful. T_T

And yeah, seriously, take Summer classes next summer - I don't want you to wind up in the hospital from stress and exhaustion!


starswing November 5 2007, 08:43:48 UTC
Ahahaha, not when I'm the one paying for college. XD I'll try to hang in there.



aku_neko_sama November 5 2007, 19:49:12 UTC
True true. Do hang in there. <3



afromatic November 5 2007, 10:00:08 UTC
Well stress tips. Well as a master of stress relief all I can offer for you to do is if there is no time to take a lengthly break make one. It'll do ya no good to just go ahead and continue school to the point you burn yourself out by midterms or have to take mass quantities of energy drinks thus leaving you with an awake body and a dead mind. Granted a zombified state of being is a great way to get out of taking a test when the teacher thinks you're more than likely going to keel over dead on the scantron.


starswing November 5 2007, 17:11:50 UTC
Energy drinks never work on me, anyway. XD I'm really not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet... but yes, keeling over ded is probably not a wise idea, so I'll try??


esotaria November 5 2007, 14:27:21 UTC
TAKE YOUR MOM'S ADVICE. I've gone almost a year and a half without a summer break, and my mind is completely messed up. You don't want to know how frequently I fantasize about dropping out of school and becoming a hermit crab ( ... )


starswing November 5 2007, 17:14:10 UTC
My roomies are very strange, but so am I. XD So somehow, it works out!

... oh man, I need to get on a schedule. Normally, I just try to power through everything at once and that NEVER works well. I would so fail at knitting, though. XD I have a hard enough time just with stitching. Who knows, maybe I'll draw or something.

Thanks, Katie!


esotaria November 5 2007, 17:17:11 UTC
Yeeeeah, that sounds like a recipe for exploding. xDD Schedules are good! Schedules and to-do lists!!!

Yay more Kia art! =DDDDD I firmly support the notion of you drawing as a hobby. I need to learn how to draw. Art is so cool.



starswing November 5 2007, 17:20:33 UTC
Yaaaaay to-do lists!

Ahaha, I need to learn how to draw better. SO I GUESS IT WORKS OUT??

*squeehugsohappyshecanfinallyreadthat XD*


nomoreprinces November 5 2007, 15:31:29 UTC
Don't be afraid to just say fuck it and do something for yourself.


starswing November 5 2007, 17:14:35 UTC
... Ahaha. Oh Ana, how I've missed you. ♥


nomoreprinces November 5 2007, 17:55:42 UTC
Haha. It's true! In the end it's just a grade. If you're that stressed out don't be afraid to talk to your professor. They were students too and they understand the pressure. I'm not saying blow off your midterms or finals, but a homework assignment, a project, a paper... A few are fine to blow off.

Another thing to look into, test out of courses. It saves ya money and time.

What I'd do, is go ahead and take summer classes but take what you can at a local Jr. College. It's cheaper, often easier, and a lot more flexible timewise because you're home.

In the end though, learning is always a two way street. If your professor isn't up front and doesn't do his damnedest to teach, and expects you to pick up his slack, it's not your fault if you fail. If you don't know something, that's your professor's fault for not teaching you properly.


starswing November 5 2007, 18:00:53 UTC
Wheeeew. I'll see what I can do. It's just nearing the time of year where the projects and papers are worth a lot more of my grade now, so I'm doing my best to actually make them GOOD.



raptorix November 5 2007, 15:41:21 UTC
I don't know if this works for my sister, but she says having a fresh floral arrangement in the room while studying helps relieve stress.

I find listening to music with bigass noise-canceling headphones helps me zone out and not stress while homeworking/classworking.

Wednesdays are my stress-relief days, since that's when I go to my painting class... but I've heard so many other students in the class (that are either freshmen starting their degree, or undeclared but interested in art majors, or just non-art majors taking painting as an elective) that bitch and moan when it comes to trying to draw the still-life before we get into painting it. So I put my noise cancelling headphones on and they go away c.c

When I have time--Video games are wonderful way to forget about my stress. I'm happily playing the .hack//G.U. games right now since the next Final Fantasy game(s) won't be out for probably another 2 years.

And having teachers that know exactly how to give positive, helpful critiques are wonderful. Last semester, my sequential ( ... )


starswing November 5 2007, 17:17:47 UTC
Floral arrangement, huh. I've never heard of that one, but I could see how that might help. And yeah, I'm all for the music, too. XD I just need to keep my roomies from trying to break down my door.

... I WANT YOUR TEACHERS. My Lit professor doesn't even critique, SHE JUST UNDERLINES D: And I'm all "Wait, what does that mean????"

Thanks a lot, Rappy. ♥


raptorix November 5 2007, 23:47:41 UTC
Yeah. You could go to a flower shop, or a grocery store that sells fresh cut flowers, and stick 'em in a vase and put that on your desk. Make sure to not grab any that'll get you sneezing like crazy, (some fresh-cut flowers are freakishly fragrant and make me start sneezing.)

'Course, art classes are completely different from English-major type classes. Our learning and improvement is based on these critiques (it's extremely useful to have another set of eyes look over your work and point out the flaws and fixes for you, since you don't see them straight off the bat. The same applies to writing!) And the great teachers know how fragile artists' self-esteem in their own art is. We require a lot of positivity to sugarcoat everything.

You're weeeeeelcome Kiaaa-chaaaan~!


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