for a total of $15 (plus shipping) i am the winner of a soviet general's hat - complete with sickle and hammer emblem - and a set of 4 child sized nuclear warfare gas masks.
you can't write a paper entitled "The signing of the Treaty of versailles as a catalyst for the rise of Nazi Germany" or can you? If you can plase do. 12-15 pages, double spaced.
but if not, don't worry about it for it's going to be the sweetest paper I've ever written...
well i did have this image in my head of a little girl (well behaved, of course) in a cute pink dress and gas mask on handing out cupcakes at my show and making everyone kind of uncomfortable..
btw, i got together with scott and we're pushing the date to sometime in september. it's going to be worth it, though.
Would you like an actual little girl or a girl that is tiny and looks really young but has huge bubbies? Because I know a Ms. Cupcakes that'd be perfect.... =)
well, an actual little girl would be creepier...especially if she were to just silently tug on your coat and then you look down and she's holding up a tray of cupcakes...but we'll see.
Comments 13
or can you? If you can plase do. 12-15 pages, double spaced.
but if not, don't worry about it for it's going to be the sweetest paper I've ever written...
my sister has to write a 25 page paper for one of her classes. booo graduate school!
this is the first time I've been excited to write a paper over 2 pages since I took that sunshiney REL300 Holocaust class! woo!
btw, i got together with scott and we're pushing the date to sometime in september. it's going to be worth it, though.
Maybe I had too much of them in my childhood?..
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