Fic: In The Shadow Of Your Heart

Sep 27, 2010 19:57

Title: In The Shadow Of Your Heart
Word Count: 532
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Roy/Riza
Summary: The empty streets do nothing to soothe the aching in Roy's heart.
A/N: Check out my fic listing here for more fic!

No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight, In the shadow of your heart )

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Comments 9

yoroshiqueen September 27 2010, 23:57:59 UTC
So, like I told you before, Mr. Black IMd me in the middle of my reading this, and I showed you part of what we said, but here's more, because I think it helps explain how I feel right now ( ... )


starseed4 September 28 2010, 00:04:26 UTC
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD This is why you're my favorite person ever. <3


yoroshiqueen September 28 2010, 00:09:35 UTC
I'm glad! I think that last paragraph was me saying, "DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVEN'T POSTED A FIC ON HERE IN LIKE SIX MONTHS?" but I was speaking Insane. It's the Other Universal Language.


heron_advocate September 28 2010, 00:22:17 UTC
Great fic. I especially loved:

except for the things that make it impossible for him to speak her name. Except for everything.


starseed4 October 5 2010, 23:09:40 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


genarti September 28 2010, 16:25:03 UTC
Oh, wow. I love the undercurrents in this; I love the words, atoms and galaxies and glue, and how very alchemical it is that he thinks that way. Beautifully done.


starseed4 October 5 2010, 23:10:09 UTC
Thank you so much. :)


schweinsty September 28 2010, 18:41:39 UTC
Oh, this was so lovely and lyrical and - eh, it just really summed up their relationship during the manga for me. ♥


starseed4 October 5 2010, 23:11:12 UTC
Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it.


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